Dear paper towel filler person....or non-Christmas mini-rants

Now you’re just taunting me. :frowning:

Go to the store, try styles on, find what you like. Write down the numbers on the inside of the arm.

Go to and find a similar pair that closely matches those little numbers. Insert your prescription, and voila!

I have three pairs of glasses from here. Two of them were under $50, including prescription. Shipping is usually free, too, plus, you can usually return them if they don’t work out.

My rant for today.

I go to the pharmacy to fill my first cycle of Clomid for our upcoming IUI (end of the month, yay!). I go to pay and the pharmacist tech lady says:

‘Trying to get pregnant?’

Err, obviously, ya dolt. ‘Yup’, says I.

‘How long have you been trying?’

What.the.fuck? ‘Uhh, three years now.’

‘Oh, that sucks. Well, keep trying, it’ll happen. You just have to relax.’


Universal healthcare pays for you to try and have a kid for 3 years? Or is that stuff all out of pocket?

So I’ll continue my rant about my white trash neighbors (whom, for the record, I hope still miscarry in the hallway). So we got one of those draft guard things that cut down the smoke substantially and found out a neighbor of ours who we’re friendly with is also super-pissed and writes emails frequently to the landlord about it too.

Landlord finally calls the SO back, tells him he’s sooooooo sorry, but that the girl doesn’t actually smoke - she has bronchitis! - but that her boyfriend does, but he aaaaaaalways smokes outside.


Next time it happens, we call Landlord and he’s supposed to miraculously show up. No, next time this happens, we go over there and call them fucking white trash.

At least there seems to be something done about it, if at a glacial pace. Landlord isn’t thrilled to know how often it happens, given that it’s an indication of the boyfriend essentially living there.

Huh? I didn’t say anything about that!

But yes, they pay for Clomid, it’s a covered prescription. The IUI procedure (~$300), and then IVF if we have to go that route, is out of pocket. With IVF, they cover the cost of some medications, but not all. Still costs around $7K or so.

Oh, and also, this is only my fourth cycle of Clomid. We tried naturally for two years before going to a specialist.

Heh. I’m the man, so no one ever asks me :rolleyes:, but my wife gets the question all the time, from people like her coworkers and family. I really think that next time her mother asks her if we’re trying, she should say, “Yes mother, I am having regular unprotected sex with my husband,” and then offer her details on frequency, positions, whether she achieved orgasm, etc.

So far she isn’t on board with this plan.

Ahh, gotcha. I think I confused you with another poster and forgot you’d been trying naturally for a few years. Good luck! I’m surprised you didn’t slap the bitch for asking “how long”.

I pit my alma mater, the shittastic University of Pittsburgh. If you didn’t hear (you’re probably living under a rock, since it’s all over major news outlets unfortunately) that the football coach, Dave Wannsted was fired December 7th for being shitty - but fired in advance of the bowl game coming up shortly. New Coach hired Dec 16th, to coach a team he’s never met before in said bowl game. Fastforward to New Year’s, when he’s JAILED for domestic abuse and promptly fired by the univeristy. University then apologizes, says it’s not about his accusation of domestic abuse to cover their collective legal ass, then begs Recently Fired coach to come back for the bowl game.

Recently Fired coach (ya still with me?) tells the world that although there were many coaches before and sure to be coaches after himI can assure you that none of them loved this university more than Dave Wannstedt. But no, he’s still not coaching the game. Even though he loves the school more than a dozen baby kittehs.

So some Defensive Coordinator is coaching the game since the offensive coordinator is…you guessed it! Jumping from the ship like it’s got leprosy.

Seriously, guys, it’s not that hard. Don’t fire the guy before the bowl game, don’t hire a guy to coach the game when he’s never met anyone, and don’t hire a guy who isn’t married to his baby mama if your objective is a “family” image. Just sayin’.

Ha, we got that over Christmas from my husbands Aunt, right after she told us that her son and his wife are pregnant for the second time (we started trying before them). She said ‘You have to do it every day!’. I had to explain that we’ve tried that, we’ve tried every second day, we’ve tried girl on top, guy on top, feet in the air, headstands, instead cups, laying in bed for 30 minutes, etc., etc., a number of times. :rolleyes:

Then she told me to relax. She’s lucky I love her.

People say those things to FAMILY members!?

Derek has a very open family (as do I, but not quite to this point).

Oh, I’m certainly not judging. I’ve picked up my Dad’s Viagra prescription before at the pharmacy. I’m just amazed there are people MORE open than my family :stuck_out_tongue:

Is that where you have to pray to god that you actually get a money?

And their customer service consists of a referral to a prayer line?

And non-payment of your debt to them is a mortal sin?
On my end, I just went through Open Enrollment for my insurance. If I had stayed with the same (Silver) plan, my premiums would have gone up 57% and my benefits down slightly. As it was, I downgraded to the Bronze plan and am only paying a 35.5% increase in my premiums. At this rate I expect that by next year, I’ll be enrolling in the Lead package (eat Lead, it’s healthy) at a mere 108% increase in premiums, followed by the Wood package (here, jump in this coffin, it’s for the best) the next year.

Thank you Republicans for shooting down any meaningful health insurance reform. Bastards.

I’m not sure whether I should thank you for the tip or start wailing from paying so much for these stupid glasses. {Sob.}

Oh, one more thing - get someone (like your hubby) to measure your pupil distance before you go to order them.

And I’d find 2-3 pairs you like, in case the store online doesn’t have 'em all. Good luck!

Yeah, I wondered about that - I know they always measure something on my face when I order glasses.

Lest this get too un-ranty, here’s my driving one from yesterday. It’s a fucking school zone. It’s not five o’clock yet, so the fucking school zone is still in fucking effect. I have to drive fucking 30 kph, or I will probably get a fucking ticket because I’m just lucky that way. Tailgating me halfway through the zone then passing me (oh so illegally on a residential road) was a purely jerkish thing to do, and you turned my good mood really fucking sour, asshole. And a shout out to the Calgary police service who are never around when someone pulls a stunt like that, to make my life infinitely better by seeing him get a whopping ticket for it.

I’ll also extend my rant to all the breeders who insist on having so many fucking school and playground zones in this city and having them on so fucking long that I can never drive anywhere without being inconvenienced by one or more, and then fucking tailgating me through them when I am trying to keep YOUR fucking kids safe. Fuckers.

Dear feet - WTF is up with freezing me to death every night? I appreciate you walking me around all day, but this cold bullshit has got to stop.

Do I not cover you with warm socks? Are the blankets I pile upon you not soft and insulating? Is not the marvel of modern technology in the form of central heating gently blowing around you? So why do you feel frozen to the point of pain every time I try to sleep at night? :mad:

You need something much less hi-tech: a water bottle for your tootsies to cuddle with.

I don’t recommend my foot warmer - one 100lb dog. Doesn’t help if your warm feet are also so numb you could walk on broken glass without feeling it.

Went to take my mother (with Alzheimers) to a podiatrist today. This is the first time she’s ever seen a podiatrist. I made the appointment yesterday. We get there and all we get is attitude from the receptionist/whatever because her system shows mom’s appointment as cancelled. Uh, not by me, so I don’t know what the hell is going on with your stupid system. All’s I know is that we have an appointment. Then the attitude because my mom can’t get her Medicare card out of her wallet fast enough. Then lets her have it back. Then needs it again and again with the attitude because my mom can’t get it out of her wallet fast enough. Then insisting that a likely years old BCBS card is my mom’s secondary insurance. Even though I told her it probably wasn’t. Then the attitude about billing Medicare… on and on. Jesus, woman. You CHOOSE to work in a podiatrist’s office that (from the looks of it) sees a lot of old people (all six of the other patients there were old people). Thank God the doctor was a peach and so nice to my mother. You, OTOH, are a piece of crap.