Senator*, you are a disgrace.
You are a local, from this area. You have an opportunity to lobby for the victims of one of the worst floods in Western Pennsylvania history (barring the Johnstown Flood in 1888, and the 1936 St. Patricks Day flood).
I was just watching KDKA news, and you came to Etna and Carnegie to observe the wreckage. While in Carnegie, you were confronted by a local business owner, who has lost her entire business. She did not have flood insurance, and her only option is to take out a federal loan, which is not feasible, nor will it help her pay for the damage.
Basically, according to you, if she didn’t have flood insurance-too bad, so sad. “Obviously, I have more compassion for those who planned ahead”, you said (I’m paraphrasing here, but he DID mention the word “compassion” and say straight out that he had more for those with flood insurance).
You ended saying, more or less, that it really shouldn’t be up to the federal government to help out, that it would cost way too much to the taxpayers.
Oh really?
You apparently have no problem hitting up the taxpayers to pour money down a hole in Iraq. You have no problem getting the federal government involved in private matters, and having the government control what goes on in people’s bedrooms.
But when people are hurt, through no fault of their own, it’s “Oh, you don’t have insurance? Oh well, too bad, it’s your own fault.”
Fuck you, Senator Fecalslime. I cannot wait until 2006 so I can vote your ass out.
*If you don’t know which PA senator I’ve been talking about, then god help you.