Dear Senator Shit-foam

Senator*, you are a disgrace.

You are a local, from this area. You have an opportunity to lobby for the victims of one of the worst floods in Western Pennsylvania history (barring the Johnstown Flood in 1888, and the 1936 St. Patricks Day flood).

I was just watching KDKA news, and you came to Etna and Carnegie to observe the wreckage. While in Carnegie, you were confronted by a local business owner, who has lost her entire business. She did not have flood insurance, and her only option is to take out a federal loan, which is not feasible, nor will it help her pay for the damage.

Basically, according to you, if she didn’t have flood insurance-too bad, so sad. “Obviously, I have more compassion for those who planned ahead”, you said (I’m paraphrasing here, but he DID mention the word “compassion” and say straight out that he had more for those with flood insurance).

You ended saying, more or less, that it really shouldn’t be up to the federal government to help out, that it would cost way too much to the taxpayers.

Oh really?

You apparently have no problem hitting up the taxpayers to pour money down a hole in Iraq. You have no problem getting the federal government involved in private matters, and having the government control what goes on in people’s bedrooms.

But when people are hurt, through no fault of their own, it’s “Oh, you don’t have insurance? Oh well, too bad, it’s your own fault.”

Fuck you, Senator Fecalslime. I cannot wait until 2006 so I can vote your ass out.
*If you don’t know which PA senator I’ve been talking about, then god help you.

Actually I would rather there not be a person of his ilk to know about in the first place;) One shudders to think what his opinion is of federal disaster area relief, of which Florida has certainly been a recipient of late.

Hopefully the PA Democrats (or, really, anyone who could manage to do a competent job) organizing a campaign to run against him will keep this gem tucked away.

Curious about one thing, Guin. Is (or was) flood insurance available for the folks in the areas of western PA affected by the recent flood? My homeowners carrier wouldn’t cover flood damage, as I was too close to the Delaware and not very high above it when I lived in Levittown.

Well, I don’t know who you’re talking about but whoever it is, I think he belongs in a sanitarium.

Especially with a last name like “Fecalslime.” Sounds like they chose that name when his ancestors arrived at Ellis Island.

Or if you know ecclesiastical Latin, you’ll find that he is mentioned in the Apostle’s Creed, “Credo in Spiritum Sanctum, Ecclesiam Catholicum Sanctam, Communionem ____…”

::: shudders ::::

Well, while the terms fecal slime and shit-foam seem to indicate Rick Santorum, quite frankly I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that comment from either Santorum or Spector.

Well, maybe he was pretty tactless, but I agree.

If the majority of the other businesses in the area took out flood insurance (which is what I’m assuming), but this guy didn’t, why should I have to foot the bill because he decided he’d rather save a few bucks? It’s gambling with my money. The other businesses in the area took out insurance, paid their premiums so they would be covered in an event like this. But this guy doesn’t do anything like that, and now bitches that he doesn’t have the money to rebuild? It’s the story of the grasshopper and the ants.

So other people couldn’t afford employee bonuses or vacations at Disney because they bought flood insurance. This business owner decided not to get flood insurance, so she had the money that others did not. Now she’s flooded and she wants my tax dollars to bail her out?

Why should ANYONE buy flood insurance?

That I couldn’t tell you. I agree, she probably should have had flood insurance, but that wasn’t the point. Apparently, she says, the insurance agent reccomended a packet, and that wasn’t part of it.

Either way, this is just one of many heartless comments from the Senator whose name is also a word of a mixture of shit and lube.

Why IS flood insurance considered separate from most insurance? Why isn’t it included?

Guin, do you mind if I print out your OP and keep it close at hand on my dest as a gentle reminder of everything that is wrong with this country? Good Christ, Neurotic said it well. People like you want the government to function as a giant mommy, making sure that nothing bad ever happens, crabgrass doesn’t grow on our lawn, our cars never get bumped in the parking lot and if, God forbid, someone is ever offened about something, even the stupidest, most niggardly thing, that they get full redress, apologies and compensation. PHOEY! If some type of general Federal disaster aid is available to the area, than this person should take advantage of it, along with all of the other businesses in her area. If that means that they have an advantage over her because they also have flood insurance, than that is exactly how it should be. She didn’t want to pay the premiums required to protect her business, so now she has to pay the piper for her mistake. There is no reason in the world for taxpayers to pay that price for her.

Yes, really and thank God. Too bad, so sad is EXACTLY the right thing to be said. She gambled, she lost, too bad, so sad. What exactly is the name of this senator of whom you speak? I hope he gets reelected

Personally, I think that federal disaster insurance should be largely a one-time deal.

After you rebuild on the public dime, you should (1) build in such a way that a similar-scaled disaster won’t touch you, (2) build elsewhere (if you build on a flood plain, you are essentially building in the river), and/or (3) carry appropriate insurance.

The second (or third) time you are wiped out in the same place by the same thing? No insurance? Bugger off.

weirddave–that’ll be Rick Santorum, I’m pretty certain on that point (reference: ‘Savage Love’ column)

Weirddave, apparently you’ve never heard of Rick Santorum? (No offense to you-I’m just surprised. He’s a notorious homophobe and religious right stooge.)

The one who said that doing away with anti-sodomy laws is tantamount to sanctioning beastiality?

Look, I have no problem with people who believe in miminal government involvement. However, in Santorum’s case, that only works when it’s people in trouble. He has absolutely NO PROBLEM with the government making laws against what people do in the privacy of their own homes.

Here is what Issues2000 has to say about Santorum.

The man is a homophobic ass boil and the sooner he gets out, the better.

Or in a court house.

Look, I have no problem with people who believe in miminal government involvement. However, in Santorum’s case, that only works when it’s people in trouble. He has absolutely NO PROBLEM with the government making laws against what people do in the privacy of their own homes.

Here is what Issues2000 has to say about Santorum.
Guin, I certainly would not want a Senator like that around, and understand why you mighht wish to vote him out of office, but I don’t know this Senator, or his voting record, or his beliefs, and as far as the OP goes, I’m with him 100% on this one particular issue.

Wow, that was a weird vB code malfunction. Sorry 'bout that.

You might not remember this thread which details one of Santorum’s more unfortunate remarks and is the reason for the references to bodily waste.

If we accept your posit, the Gulf area up through Outer Banks is a write-off owing to hurricanes, the Midwest is uninhabitable owing to tornadoes, and the Northwest down through California and into New Mexico gets regularly burned out by wildland fires. :dubious:

This afternoon on NPR I heard an segment dealing with Florida-hit with four hurricanes in one month. The last time that statistic was equalled was in the 1800’s. Florida utilities have absorbed all they can, and are considering passing on the cost of distribution rebuild to the ratepayers.

If you have no insurance at all, then you’re a boob. Beyond that, we all have to live somewhere, and eventually the evil weather card is played in your town.

His most recent flap was accusing pilots with US Airways of sabotaging the company and causing them to file for bankruptcy.
US Airways’ Pilot Responds to Senator’s Suggestion of Sabotage.

He’s extremely sanctimonious and self-righteous. Weirddave, I can respect your views. That’s fine. But if you saw it, he just had that high and mighty smirk on his face when he dismissed the woman’s claims, on live tv, right to her face, when, as the reporter noted, these ARE the people who will be voting (or not) for him. He just had such an attitude of utter contempt.