Death God Anubis

Little death god Anubis
Riding through the forest
Scooping up the mortals
And bopping them on their heads

And down came Ra the sun god
And he said…

Little death god Anubis
I don’t want to see you
Scooping up the mortals
And bopping them on their heads

I’ll give you three more chances
And then I’ll turn you into Osiris.

Little death god Anubis
Riding through the forest
Scooping up the mortals
And bopping them on their heads

And down came Ra the sun god
And he said…

Little death god Anubis
I don’t want to see you
Scooping up the mortals
And bopping them on their heads

I’ll give you two more chances
And then I’ll turn you into Osiris.

Little death god Anubis
Riding through the forest
Scooping up the mortals
And bopping them on their heads

And down came Ra the sun god
And he said…

Little death god Anubis
I don’t want to see you
Scooping up the mortals
And bopping them on their heads

I’ll give you one more chance
And then I’ll turn you into Osiris.

Little death god Anubis
Riding through the forest
Scooping up the mortals
And bopping them on their heads

And down came Ra the sun god
And he said…

Poof! You’re Osiris. I hope your wife does a better job putting you back together.

The End! Rejoice!

Next up the Cthulhu Kid songs

Alright, that’s it. . .

No more coffee for you. I’m turning off the machine.

I’m going to start monitoring your caffiene intake from now on.

HehHeh… That was indeed Mundane, and Pointless. But I’m glad you Shared. I can’t wait for the Cthulhu Kids.

Mary worships Cthulhu
Cthulhu, Cthulhu
Mary worships Cthulhu
His face looks like a squid.

Cthulhu rises from the R’lyeh
from the R’lyeh, from the R’lyeh
Cthulhu rises from the R’lyeh
And he’s really big.

If Osiris does vanity searches, he’s gonna wonder just what th’ heck’s goin’ on …

Is Anubis still around, too?

All the mortals go crazy
Go crazy, go crazy
All the mortals go crazy
Because Cthulhu eats babies.

I would hope Osiris would know that Isis couldn’t find his penis. It may have been eaten by a fish according to legend.

Cthulhu loathes the little children,
All the children of the world.
Red and yellow, black and white,
All are worthless in His sight,
Cthulhu loathes the little children of the world.

I’m still around, Ice Wolf.

That pretty much sums me up, dorkus. The bopping mortals on their heads bit, anyway.

Our God is the One God!

Our God is the Sun God!

Ra! Ra! Ra!

Hmmm. The way my Wiccan friends do it is:

“It’s a different tradition.”


O, Cthulhu eats souls
And Nyarlothetep eats souls
And Yog Sothoth eats bodies
A Byakhee will eat bodies too,
Wouldn’t you?

Cthulu eats the little children,
All the little children of the world.
Red and yellow, black and white,
They are tasty in his sight
Cthulu eats the little children of the world!

Continues, broadly:

Everybody here is food,
In their own wa-ay!
Like a simmering be-ef stew
Or a snow cone on a winter’s day.
Everybody here is food,
In their own wa-ay!
In Cthu-ulu’s gre-eat maw
Our souls will be eaten away.

Sung to the tune Nothing Could be Finer than to be in Carolina

Nothing could be cooler
than to worship Great Cthulhu
in the moooooooorning

Nothing could be wacky
than to summon a Byakhee
in the moooooooorning

When you burst out of your pods
to please the Elder Gods
Nothing could be cooler
than to worship Great Cthulhu
in the moooooooorning