This has probably been done before but I thought I’d stir it up again anyway.
My English ex-boss once contended that, when he was growing up (back in the 60s), it was inconceivable that you could be a fan of both the Beatles and the Stones. Like the two bands were, in some way, polar and karmic opposites. Now I am not English, and by the time I was born, the Beatles had already finished recording all of their albums and the Stones had recorded Exile on Main Street. However, I consider these two bands to be two of my favourite bands of all time and also the two greatest and most important bands in the history of modern popular music.
To kickoff the debate, I will just bring some general points on the why I believe one band to be better than the other but I will reserve the right to come back, when time and energy permit, to embellish my points.
Why The Beatles are greater than the Stones
The average Beatles song and indeed album is much better than the average Stones song and album.
Obviously, this is subjective but I can listen to virtually any Beatles song but some of the stuff the Stones has done makes me instantaneously reach for the volume dial/skip button/handgun.
You can sing along to The Beatles whereas no one even has a clue what Mick is singing.
I count this as a plus simply because being able to sing with a band makes you experience the song better. Others (especially people who may have heard me sing) might think differently.
The Beatles were/are more generally popular
I’m no conformist and I have not bothered to back this claim up with statistics on number one albums and singles but it would appear that the difference in fan base and critical opinion is largely (see Rolling Stone magazines recent list of the greatest albums of all time) tilted towards the Beatles. If they were that much more popular, there must be something in that.
The Beatles had more diversity in their music
From Love Me Do to Norwegian Wood to Got To Get You Into My Life to A Day in The Life to While My Guitar Gently Weeps to Helter Skelter to Let It Be; the Beatles showed remarkable range, innovation and evolution.
The Beatles had so many great singer-songwriters
Well, three out of four ain’t bad. Lennon, McCartney and Harrison each had great solo careers and proved that they could produce a great standard of music outside of the Beatles. Indeed, they proved, perhaps, that they didn’t really need the Beatles at all.
Why the Stones are better than the Beatles
The best Stones songs/albums are better than the best Beatles albums
I’m already lubing up the back passage in anticipation of the pile on I’m gonna cop over this. This is entirely subjective but I believe if you take Beggars Banquet, Let It Bleed, Sticky Fingers, Exile on Main Street and It’s Only Rock and Roll and you take the best 10 songs from these 5 albums and you stack them up against, say, 10 songs from Rubber Soul, Revolver, St Peppers, Abbey Road and the White Album; the Stones win. It wouldn’t be a blowout but I reckon the Stones would edge the Beatles. On an album by album thing, just using the 5 on 5 comparison, it would be close again but I’d need to think about it some more to come up with a decision. It’d be like an Ali-Frazier type of thing.
The Stones rock harder than the Beatles
I don’t think there is any doubt about this one. Listening to Brown Sugar or Bitch or Monkey Man or It’s Only Rock and Roll makes me want to turn the volume up to eleven and jump around in my undies, nodding my head like “yes, yes, yes!!!” (apologies to Spinal Tap, Tom Cruise and Homer Simpson). Sorry, but Revolution; Helter Skelter and Taxman don’t match up in the rock my socks off stakes. This is where the Beatles can’t come close to the Stones, in my opinion, and it really boils down to how important this is as an issue.
The Stones have enjoyed far more longevity
The Stones have released over 30 albums over the course of 40+ years. Yes, I think some of them are pretty crappy but they have still released them and people have bought them. The have continued to tour and make (and sell) albums despite the death of Brian Jones and the departures of Mick Taylor and Bill Wyman (and whatever they have to do to Keef every year in Switzerland to keep him alive). Even though they now look like Spitting Image puppets, you can or could until very recently still enjoy the Stones performing their music live or releasing new material (or making albums/DVDs with old material). This keeps them somehow alive for their fans, who can also drag their disgruntled children to a concert or make them listen to some song while trying in vain to explain why they are still so great.
The Beatles, on the other hand, have suffered the death of half their number and have been dead in terms of new material and fresh performances for the better part of 30 years (not including previously recorded and digitally spliced stuff like Free as a Bird).
The Stones are badasses
Despite the fact that they are/were so popular in the mainstream and sold so many albums, and even overlooking that they have soldout with the commercialism, Mick’s Knighthood and all the embarassing attempts to keep up with the eighties with efforts like Emotional Rescue and Steel Wheels; the Stones have remained quintessentially cool because they were so much the archetypal bad boys of rock. Keef’s drug adventures, Mick’s sex adventures and Bill’s thing for little girls have kept them on edge. So have the satanic references and the run-ins with the law, but what really does it for a lot of people is the plain ugliness of the band members. My bud, Miller, has a theory about this that the Stones have deliberately played to this. Brian was the best looking one so he had to die. When Mick Taylor left, they looked for the ugliest man they could find to replace him, succeeding with Ronnie Wood. I heard once that the Stones didn’t allow Ian Stewart to join them as a member because he was too ugly. Obviously, if this was said, it was said in jest but it is plausible that the opposite was, in fact, true.
That’s all the stuff I can come up with for now. It would be nice if a musician (or completely insufferable snob) could come in and tell us why one was better purely from a technical musical viewpoint. At any rate, please share your opinion and maybe I’ll make up my mind on which one I think is the final victor for now. Either way, I’m sure that I’ll change my mind next time I listen to a Beatles or Stones song and fall deeply and completely in love with the music all over again.