Declaration of War on Iraq

Someone at work went nuts on someone else because he said that Bush deceived us in going to Iraq (WMD). He goes on to say that in the declaration of war, or articles of war or whatever they are called, Bush outlined 10 good reasons to go to war and the congress voted on this, not on the (just) WMD.

I would like to read this, can anyone provide a link? If I knew better what I was looking for, I would google it myself.

It was not a declaration of war, but rather a joint resolution of Congress.

The text of it is at



Well, we never declared war against Iraq. However, Congress authorized the President to use military force against Iraq. You can read the authorization here:

Here were the reasons…the “whereas” clauses, summarized by me

  1. In 1990, we formed a coalition of nations to liberate Kuwait from Iraq’s illegal occupation, defend national security, and enforce UN resolutions.

  2. In 1991, Iraq entered into a ceasefire, where they agreed to eliminate nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons as well as the means to deliver them, and end support for international terrorism.

  3. International weapons inspectors, US intelligence agencies, and Iraqi defectors have together found that Iraq has large stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons and an advanced nuclear program

  4. Iraq, in violation of the ceasefire, attempted to thwart the efforts of the weapons inspectors, resulting finally in their withdrawal from Iraq in 1998

  5. In 1998, Congress decided that Iraq’s weapon of mass destruction programs threatened US interests and international peace and security, and urged the president to take action to bring Iraq into compliance

  6. Iraq poses a continuing threat to the safety of the US and international peace by, among other things, continuing to develop chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons programs, and supporting and harboring terrorist organizations

  7. Iraq is brutally repressing its people, refusing to account for and release non-Iraqi citizens detained in Iraq, including an American, and failing to return property illegally seized in Kuwait

  8. The government of Iraq has shown its willingness to use weapons of mass destruction against other nations and it’s own people

  9. Iraq has been continually hostile to the US, both by attempting in 1993 to kill former President Bush, and by firing on many thousands of occassions on US and coalition armed forces enforcing the resolutions of the Security Council

  10. Members of Al-Qaeda continue to be in Iraq

  11. Iraq continues to aid and harbor other terrorist organizations

  12. The events of 9/11/2001 have shown the gravity of the threat posed if terrorists get control of WMDs

  13. Since Iraq has shown a willingness to use WMDs, and there is a risk they would use them against the US armed forces or give them to terrorists, the US has the right to defend itself

  14. The UN resolutions authorize use of all neccesary means to enforce the aforementioned resolutions

  15. Congress has passed a lot of laws in the past saying that the US really should do something about Iraq

  16. The President has promised that he’d enforce UN resolutions against Iraq

  17. Both the President and Congress agree that the war against terrorism is a good thing

  18. The President is allowed to use military force to stop international terrorism


19 It’s in the interest of national security for the US to restore peace in the Gulf

Therefore, the President can invade Iraq if he wants.

Let’s not forget Iraq: A Decade of Deception and Defiance from September 2002. [ul]
[li] Saddam Hussein’s Defiance of United Nations Resolutions[/li] [li] Saddam Hussein’s Development of Weapons of Mass Destruction[/li] [li] Saddam Hussein’s Repression of the Iraqi People[/li] [li] Saddam Hussein’s Support for International Terrorism[/li] [li] Saddam Hussein’s Refusal to Account for Gulf War Prisoners[/li] [li] Saddam Hussein’s Refusal to Return Stolen Property[/li] [li] Saddam Hussein’s Efforts to Circumvent Economic Sanctions[/li][/ul] -Beautiful stuff. :wink:

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