I was listening to ‘Marketplace money’ on NPR this morning and the commentator said that dual-income families have less disposable income today than single-income families did in the 70s. This really disturbs me; the trend of having to work ever harder for ever less economic security lies at the root of a lot of what seems to be going wrong in industrial society – the breakdown of social networks and community identity, environmental degradation, children losing out on the freedom of childhood, etc. As a dual-income parent of a darling little 14-month-old boy, I don’t want this to happen to us.
Let me say first that I don’t know what the source is for this claim, and I know economic statistics are particularly subtle and easy to distort. Being that this was NPR I tend to give them the benefit of some doubt, though acknowledging a general liberal bent to their reporting.
So first, does anyone have reason to dispute this?
And if not, it essentially means that on average we’ve become a fair lot poorer (on the order of 50%) than people in the 70s, right? How can this be?
This actually touches on a lot of questions I have regarding economics, the answers to which I generally suspect come down to rich/powerful people taking control over larger shares of the general wealth. (Why bother to disguise my biases – they’ll come out sooner or later). There are a couple of other specific ideas I can come up with: the exponential rise in health care costs; a general increase in what people consider bare necessities (bigger/fancier houses, cars, entertainment systems, etc), although one would think that technological advances would partly offset this, i.e. the cars in the 70s were just as ‘fancy’ relative to the technology of the day. It still seems like a baffling and troubling claim, and it I can’t help but wonder if it’s one of those macro-statistics that reveal a deep pathology in the system that went unnoticed because it’s so hard to observe at the scale of day-to-day life, but that threatens to undo us. (Kind of like global warming, I guess).
ps – Long time doper, first time poster/member. Y’all are a tough- but fair-minded group, and it’s a pleasure to finally become one of you.