Decline of Western Civilization! Live on Fox!

Who wants to date a Hooter’s Girl?

Not me.

am i crazy or is fox’s special programs, i.e. “Who Wats to Marry a multi-millionare”, that ambush wedding spectacle, just extremely desperate last resort programs?

what is with the matrimonial proselytizing? What’s up with the insane televised races to the altar? why are these people so unbelievably pathetic, lonely, desperate, whiny, cowards?

why is it so wrong to be single or not want to be committed to a marriage?
who are these little bitches who are interviewed keep going on, and on, and on, and then on some more about "saving themselves for marriage?“who are the people that care about this, and why don’t they get a goddamn life?!”
N.B. no one’s family is that big and close; and one’s friends cannot possibly care that much.

i do not object to marriage , but it should not be televised as if it was marriage was Nirvana , Utopia and heaven on earth!

i’d like to bash my television’s screen in just for showing the commercials.

Um, dudes, Fox has always sucked. If they didn’t have the Simpsons an stupid people, they’d have died a long time ago.

Ok, not in defense of Fox’s long running excellent programming tradition or anything, but read the link again. The show is for late night syndication, not a network’s doing.

I mentioned Fox in the title simply because I thought it would most likely show up on Fox stations. I’m also aware that it could also show up anyplace they have a TV transmitter. :slight_smile:

Please don’t get me so excited - I thought that the classic punk rock film (or even the not so classic glam metal sequel) were going to be shown on TV :frowning: .

Anyway, carry on with the trashing of television …


Well, I would like to date a Hooters girl…