Delivery people standing in the open doorway instead of coming in--why?

A thing I’ve noticed whenever something is being delivered is that the person will not come inside until specifically invited, and sometimes not even then. Instead, they seem to prefer to complete the transaction across the threshold through the open doorway. Which can be a little nerve wracking when you have indoors-only pets that you want to keep that way. Sometimes I have to step outside with the person and complete the transaction in the corridor, just so I can keep my apartment door the way it belongs–closed.

Why do they do this? Are there work rules they have to follow about never stepping inside customers’ apartments unless invited, or not even then? Is it a safety precaution, lest they deliver to an evil minded person that locks the door once they’re inside and holds them against their will?

Delivery man, woman alone in the house, sexual assault lawsuit, he says, she says, unemployment.

Well Spectre this is a centuries old phenomenon. Not something new, it is very disrespectful to A) walk into someones domicile without being invited B) it’s rude to assume you can without an invite C) it’s a bit creepy and D) there may be a legality issue.

I know if I were standing at the door to my house, and the Fedex guy came walking into the doorway when I opened the door, I would feel more than a little unnerved.

Well, the grocery delivery guys from Peapod come in. But they have to, since dumping the groceries on the doorstep would defeat some of the purpose of the service.

My guess, with Fedex & UPS employees and the like, speed is an important factor- if they come in sit down, have a cup of tea, etc., that takes up time that could be spend delivering packages.

In addition to what Sapo and Phlosphr said, with which I agree, keep in mind that no matter how much you know your pets are “good”, dog bite is a common risk for delivery guys.

As an ex postal worker I’ll second that :frowning:

Also, not all delivery people are male and sexual assault can be real. If it does come down to allegations, though, I suspect allegations of theft are much more common: anyone can make them, harder to disprove, easier to propose reimbursement. I also agree about the speed thing. I see pretty much zero upside to entering the customer’s home.

They also don’t want to put their dirty shoes on your clean floor lest they leave a mark.

Because it’s rude for strangers to go into somebody’s house without a specific invite. They are not there as a friend, they are there carrying out a job and so they will work with the more formal social rules for that situation.

What’s wrong with closing an internal door anyway?

Eek! I’d no more want the UPS guy to come in than…

Yeah, sometimes I have to go out on the porch to get my pizza because the cats need to stay in. I’d way rather have that than a stranger in my house!

Have you never owned dogs, or is your house’s front entryway designed like an airlock or something?

I think it is probably a combination of avoiding possible legal issues and the speed factor. I’ve always wondered why these private companies (UPS is the worst) get to ignore traffic and parking laws with impunity.

I don’t want to give them tea and crumpets, I just want to keep my cats where they belong. They usually hide anyway, whenever strangers appear, but I still get nervous when the door is open for more than the time it takes somebody to go in or out. I can understand them not coming in without being invited, but sometimes even then they won’t. And I am male, so the woman customer-male courier scenario risk doesn’t apply.

The initial hesitation is probably due to the large number of vampires employed in the delivery sector.

I can’t say why I was never quite comfortable in stranger’s houses when I was a delivery boy It was a bit awkward – standing on the front stoop is one atmosphere, standing around a living room or whatnot put me more on … display? That is, inside, all the hungry people not involved in getting the cash just sort of stared. Sure, there were regular customers who I became friendly with, but that was the rarer exception. Just .02.