Democrats expect to win control of Wisconsin State Senate


Just because you do not like the answer does not make it invalid. And way to go with the lame ass attempt to tie me to Beck and Fox News. Be sure to clean that broad brush thoroughly. I’m sure you’ll want to paint with it again sometime.

Uh, you believe there is a death tax. I’m pretty sure that’s invalid.

Unless you mean the inheritance tax, which is a tax when money changes hands. Just like when you get your paycheck. Never mind that it’s lower.

It’s not the answer I don’t like per se, it’s the utter lack of substance or thought. Or maybe it’s the overuse of made-up cliches. Maybe it’s the demonstrable lack of substance. To write such nonsense and then use ‘broad brush’ in a post is pretty much the essence of what I said.

I apologize for tying you to Fox news. I’m sure you came up with such pithy ideas as a death tax or that Democrats secretly want to steal your guns all on your own. It’s just a coincidence that such ridiculous talking points are also prominently pushed by the media arm of the republican party. Since your analytical abilities hover so close to theirs to the point of unintentional and coincidental mimicry, perhaps you should contact them for writing assignments.

Yes, but what about the relentless push by Democrats to overturn the Second Amendment and confiscate all privately owned guns? You can’t say he doesn’t have a point there. It’s right there in the Democratic party platform somewhere, isn’t it?

Obviously I use the derisive term “death tax” to refer to what you cal the “inheritance tax” and is also called an “estate tax”. But yay for your pedantic nitpickery without a substantive point.

You’re confusing typical Democrats with fantasy boogeymen Democrats.

If you do have integrity, I would suggest you actually examine these issues. If you want to be a strong partisan voter with a false veneer of independent thinking, that’s a different matter altogether.

Additionally: Didn’t Reagan require an income tax? Didn’t Bush I and Bush II? What is the income tax if not a redistribution of wealth? Do you favor a society with no taxes?


It’s not pedantic nitpickery. Words have meaning. “death tax” is a phrase crafted by Republican pollsters specifically intended to cast the estate tax in a bad light. It’s a misuse of language in order to derail any intelligent debate on the issue.

It’s not a tax on death. What is the dollar value of death? It’s a tax on an estate, something that actually can be valued.

No, I’m saying you don’t understand it. You have a cartoon version of it, presumably with some greedy obese liberal sealing money from crying children, playing through your head.

If you pay Johnny Inheritor to landscape your lawn he’s taxed on that money. Why shouldn’t he get taxed if you give him your stuff?

Also, are you even aware that the first five million isn’t taxed?

Ah, self mockery. Now it all makes sense, in an Andy Kaufman sort of way.

Shhh! Ixnay on the econdsay amendmentay epealray.

So you’re psychic now?

It is quite likely that I know more about tax law than you ever will.

So person A works hard and earns a million dollars. He’s taxed on it. Person B has a rich relative die and a million dollars falls in his lap. Why is it unjust to tax him on it?

Go learn how the death tax actually works, and come back with an intelligent question. Maybe I’ll answer it.

No, I just assume you’re honestly communicating your opinions.

I doubt it. Since you think that being taxed when money changes hands is an evil plot or in any way unusual.

Death Taxes are an argument designed to sway uneducated people. If you know a lot about tax law, shame on you for believing it, and double shame for repeating it.

Shove your condescending attitude up your ass. Why, in principle, should people who inherit money get to do so tax free?

You’re avoiding the question. Why not answer it with all your tax knowledge?

Because you know deep down that this issue is full of shit?

Nonsense; the point is quite substantive. When someone refers to “the Zionist entity” rather than “Israel” or to “the War of Northern Aggression” rather than “the Civil War”, it is possible to make reliable inferences about his political biases. The same applies here.

Well, then – we’ll raise the sum to something above five million dollars, so that an estate tax would actually be applicable. Answer the question.
