Democrats expect to win control of Wisconsin State Senate

Yes, that is the easier thing to do.

Boy, this got hijacked fast! And inheritance tax is not even a state issue in Wisconsin, AFAIK.

I regret participating in a hijack. Perhaps Oakminster will make a new thread to debate what he terms the “death tax”.

I blame myself. Sorry, the Deth Taxxxxx™ issues is so vapidly stupid it sets me off.

I blame Lobohan.

It’s the American Way.

I may change my location to “Sunnydale, CA.”

I can think of no better rebuttal than the words of a wise but under-appreciated analyst, who said:

I’m not sure how you think that rebuts what I said there.

If I point to a specific person smoking without cancer, does that rebut that smoking doesn’t cause cancer?

Not to mention that that was an opinion.

This is abusive and doesn’t belong in this forum. I’m giving you a formal warning and instructing everybody else to cool it - and take the estate tax discussion to a separate thread, preferrably in Great Debates.

This is getting off-topic but probably the most pernicious effect of having one side pour an unlimited amount of money into an election is that it drives up the overall cost of campaigning and ultimately deters qualified people–both liberals and conservatives–from running. Over the last 20 years, the cost of seeking office was risen so much that fund-raising is an activity that consumes more and more of a candidate’s or incumbent office-holder’s time. Most people find the constant scrounging for dollars to be a tedious activity that, in many instances, gives the appearance of unseemliness. One of the bad results of the Citizens United decision is that it removed many of the weak restraints against excessive monetary contributions thereby making campaign fund-raising even more of a 24/7/365 job and discouraging many potential office-holders who don’t want to prostitute themselves to a big backer or backers.

…whereas I favor getting our fiscal house in order while also supporting civil liberties and a larger government (except for the military, which I want to be much smaller). We’re on the same side on the majority of issues, therefore, as are you and most progressives.

Yeah, I want a larger government. That’s a highly moderate position, relative to the industrialized world as a whole. As I see it, the US is right now way too far to the right.

And the idea that anyone wants to punish success is a contemptible idea bespeaking hopeless ideology, profound ignorance, or a blithe disregard for speaking honestly. I’d appreciate it if you’d do your part to raise the level of rhetoric around here, and I hope you don’t respond to that request with a tu quoque.

How is an estate tax related to wanting to punish success? The successful person is dead, the recipient of the fund has not “earned” the money in a voluntary association, unless they were paid to end the dead person’s life. Mulct is a form of wealth redistribution - from individuals to government, which then, in a representative democracy, has the responsibility of spending the funds as the majority wish. Opposing wealth redistribution means opposing a government with the power to levy fees - in other words, minarchism or anarchocapitalism.

Here’s the socialist Sanders on the estate tax.