Well, confession - I am seriously overdue with the dental visits due to simple lack of funds. I haven’t had any dental coverage for years now, and these past two years have simply not had the money to pay out of pocket.
I now have some sort of inflammation going in the upper right rear quandrant. I don’t think it’s a cavity because the tooth itself doesn’t hurt, it’s the gums that are painful. I don’t know if I got a piece of something wedged up there or something else is going on, but it’s sore. Not enough to interfere with eating or sleeping but it’s damned annoying.
Well, because the letter from Medicaid was six weeks late I signed up for dental coverage at work. This means I now have not one but TWO forms of dental coverage. I called my old dentist’s office and discovered that neither insurance was welcome. Either I paid the full cost out of pocket or nothing. Damn.
I’ll spare you the tears involved in finding a dentist that was willing to deal with BOTH forms of coverage. I will say that whoever decided the most important item in searching for a dentist was his proximity to your home should be slathered in honey and buried in an ant hill. Of fire ants. Hungry, pissed-off fire ants. Of all the things I’d like to know about a dentist “how far do I have to drive?” is someone around item 4,263 on the list.
Anyhow - I now have an appointment for next Wednesday and I’m not looking forward to it.
For one thing, I was honest about my previous brush with periodontal disease. I sort of have to be, because I did lose some gum tissue and any competent dentist is going to notice that the moment he looks in my mouth. That, however, happened thirty years ago. I beat that bad boy gingivitis down and kept him there for a long, long time.
But, of course, the lady brings up the whole root scaling thing. Here’s the problem: Medicaid does not cover this. Period. My other insurance has a $50 copay (OK… I can probably pull that out of my ass) and only pays a percentage of the rest. Given the cost of the procedure… I can not do this. Period. Sorry. If that’s demanded of me I simply can’t do it. Forget setting up a payment plan - I can’t afford it. I have NO extra money. None. Other family resources are going to dad, who is dying of cancer. It will not happen.
Yes, I know technically it’s malpractice to just do a cleaning or something else, but the fact is I do not have the money. Even for a payment plan. WTF is the point of setting up a payment plan if you can’t make payments? If it comes down to either I get the deep cleaning/scaling or no further treatment I am going to have to walk out that door untreated. There is no money for this.
The other worry is the wisdom teeth. I do NOT want to have the argument again about taking them out. I am sick of the scare stories. First, I was told I had to have them out because they wouldn’t come in fully. Well, they did fully erupt. Then it was horror stories about throwing my other teeth out of alignment. Again, didn’t happen. In fact, a lot of people assume I had braces because my teeth are that nicely arranged. Last time I got that argument I pointed out it had been twenty years since my third molars came in and my teeth had not started moving yet, so I didn’t anticipate it happening. Then it was the dire THEY’RE GOING TO ROT OUT OF YOUR MOUTH!!! Um… hasn’t happened. Now, gum disease might happen, but I have all of four cavities, and those occurred BEFORE the wisdom teeth showed up. Again, nothing has rotted in the past 30 or 40 years and sure, it could happen, but I don’t think it will because I didn’t have unnecessary surgery when I was 20.
In other words, they’re fully erupted, in line, functional teeth. WTF would I have them pulled? My dad is 85 and still has his, never been a problem for him. What can I say? We have big mouths in my family.
So yeah, those are my two big bugaboos for dental visits. I hate finding a new dentist. I don’t give a f*** about how close he is to where I live, what music plays during cleanings, how many whitening procedures he offers, and all that other froo-froo. I want basic dentistry without up-selling, unnecessary procedures, and some understanding of my financial situation beyond “we’ll sign you up for a loan at usurious interest rate”.
What I really want is my old dentist.