depressing week

Posting to get this to the top again, that if anyone wants to send money to Babar and/or Andrea, I am happy to coordinate… just email me with your pledge ( and I’ll handle from there.

Also please note that Opal has posted a mailing address in the thread she references above, if you want to send money directly to her to distribute.

Trick is to preserve privacy.

Andrea, you know I’m a broke college student, but I’m sending you lots of love! Don’t sell the bike, though, things’ll get better soon, I know.

I’m such an optimist I’m amazed I’m still a Doper. :slight_smile:


light a candle, think about the persons you love and respect. think about the life cherish so much, think about what you can do to make other people feel good, how you can make other people happy. there is nothing in the world a rewarding as making another person smile, making another person think happy thoughts and forget about his/her troubles.
so when you are in trouble, seek to solve other peoples troubles and you will find a way out of yours.

bj0rn - love is but a feeling, your feelings are your life, your life is love.

No. Do not light candles! CANDLES ARE EVIL!!! Send love, money, old socks, whatever, but do not light candles. In fact, if you have any candles sitting around the house, get rid of 'em. The fire investigator said most of the fires he inspects are due to ‘unattended candles’. EVIL!

So now on top of everything else there is to worry about in the world, we have to watch out for unsupervised candles committing arson?