Describe God

I can not clarify it further because I am a finite being and so can not even begin to truly conceive, let alone understand infinity. Because of this I must forget trying to explain an infinity of infinities. At best I can only conceive that there might be the possibility of such, but should never try to explain it, because I will always fall short of an logical explanation.

For what it might be worth, it does not matter if you accept my realization of whatever one might call god, your realization is equally valid, even if you don’t believe in such.

Yeah I know, you can readily dismiss this as so much woo woo, but in my concept of “cosmology” (or more correctly in my thoughts universes) it does not matter. Your viewpoint is equally valid.

Frankfurters purple quiescent platinum reverberating ragamuffin tweet.

Which is to say, I don’t dismiss it as woo: I furrow my brow at something that’s incoherent. If it works for you, awesome, but I don’t see a place for such a post in a debate, inasmuch as if it means anything, it’s an explicit rejection of logic.

I want to add something. In my conception, yes, a line is God, because that line, or that concept of infinity exists within the infinite. And that infinity of infinities is what I conceive as god.

Once again, it’s unimportant whether or not you accept this. Your concept or non-concept is also part of that infinity of infinities.

LHD, but the question posed was “Describe God.” I offered my thoughts. I now offer my apologies that it does not fit your definition of debate.

I wish you well.

What…the fuck…?


Wow, 24 replies in, and already this thread is quite revealing. Good show, Czar.

This sort of patronizing, possibly marijuana-enhanced, “You’re right too, dude,” is like nails on a chalkboard (and yes, yes, those nails and the chalkboard are both, like, God, I get it, groovy). If it’s unimportant whether or not I accept it, why bother posting it? Are you trying to persuade? It’s totally unpersuasive. Are you sharing? Well, thanks–but to get so ridiculous as soon as someone asks for clarification is rather silly.

You don’t know how right you are.

Sorry about the delay-I got caught up in a Mexican baby shower, and those things last forever.

  1. I put the thread in this forum because it involves religious witnessing.
  2. Stuff like this:

Isn’t really helpful. I’m not looking for inspirational poetry or greeting card glurge-I can find stuff like this on forums that have a pink background and pictures of angels in the upper corners.
3. If the deity you believe in is all-knowing, have the guts(and the decency) to say so. The same goes for all-seeing, eternal, or any other aspect you can think of.
4. This is not a “gotcha”. This is an honest attempt to find out what you believe. Either believe me, or pit me.

How powerful is she/he/it

All-powerful, can do anything (one exception, see below). That said, He gave us free will and doesn’t override it.

**what is she/he/it made of

He’s a spirit so … whatever spirits are made of. I have no idea what spirits are made of, though.

what can/can’t she/he/it do

He cannot lie.
where does she/he/it reside

This one’s pretty tricky. In heaven – but He’s also omnipresent.

and any other specifics you can throw in, please.**

He has no beginning and no end. (I can deal with the “no end” part but I can’t wrap my head around no beginning.)

I’m certain He’s a male and has a sense of humor.

He exists outside of time and space and while I think He did set the laws of physics into motion I think He can, and does, override them at times.

I expressed my thoughts as best I could in response to the original post and to your inquires (I thought.) What more do you ask of me?

Thank you.

He can microwave a burrito so hot that he could not eat it and then he could eat it.

Well… my GOD (my sweet lord) does NOT believe in evolution, That is a fact

What your god believes or doesn’t believe is another subject.

We already received the “cute” nonsense answer in post #7.

“God” is a three letter word which describes the Creator of All and the All in All. It could as well be “X”.

X is love and creates by extension (as opposed to projection). Thus, all creation resides in X, X resides in all creation and nothing exists outside of X.

We are eternal.

So far we haven’t really seen a single genuine answer. Interesting.

Isn’t “spirit” just a nonsense word, in that case? If the word has no definition, how does it convey any information?

What stops him?

For what it’s worth, the Bible says that God has lied at least once, and maybe twice if you believe that Jesus was God.

Does he have a penis? “Male” is a biological characteristic. If God is not a biological entity, what makes him “male?”

First paragraph: There’s a teaching tradition in Zen Buddhism using very short situations or stories to prompt contemplation of specific ideas in the student. These exercises are similar to parables, but with a bit of a difference. While parables isolate a definite lesson to the exclusion of other considerations in order to highlight it, koans aren’t intended to impart a particular wisdom from teacher to student. A koan is meant to shock the student into personal realization by presenting an unexpected avenue of consideration. So they may appear as puzzles or conundra, but there is no definite lesson to be drawn or response required for any koan.

The koan I referenced is typically interpreted as one which speaks to the nature of enlightenment; one is encouraged to seek one’s own “inner Buddha”, and to destroy any preconceptions one has of what such an enlightened condition entails.

Second paragraph: Specifically, the OP may find it at least as productive to ask of believers what God isn’t if he wishes to define the limits of others’ beliefs. More generally, and in my own very humble opinion, by not seeking God, but following a path unconcerned with reverence, one stumbles across the sacred just as well, and without the pretense of self importance.

I hope that clarified what I wanted to say. I hadn’t intended to be cryptic or mystical or anything, and I don’t intend to imply anything about anyone else’s ways of dealing with these sorts of questions.

I do believe that the myths and dogma of any religion are eminently questionable, and should be criticized with full vigor where they’re inconsistent or in conflict with facts or social sensibilities. But that seems to me to be quite separate from the question of God.