Describe your partner ...

My SO is six feet tall and ethnically Chinese, though more American than me. He’s smart but more importantly, funny as hell. It was what attracted me to him in the first place…he’s got a truly caustic wit and is excellent at the one-liner. I think with him I’ll be laughing into my eighties.

He understands finance very well and is willing to learn to boot and he does all of the messy jobs around the house without complaining. When a groundhog was killed in the backyard he cleaned it up before I ever got home so I wouldn’t even have to look at the dead body (I really liked this friendly groundhog and didn’t mind him wandering around.)

We’ve been together sixteen years this April. He’s a serious, mature guy, who I joke was born with an old soul. He is a very good person, and the biggest sign of that is he doesn’t believe he is. Like BoBettie says, good and faithful and honest.

When I first started telling him about my parents’ emotional abuse, he did the best thing anyone could ever do - he listened, and he believed. You wouldn’t think so many people would disbelieve, or just diminish your experiences.

He’s very practical. I’ve often said I’m his kite and he’s my tether. I fly high but he keeps me from flying away, and I keep him from getting too grounded and looking at the ground too much.

He’s got dark hair and dark eyes, so he is, literally, tall dark and handsome. I always thought I’d end up with a brawny man, who had blue eyes and blond hair. Instead I ended up with lanky, slim, and almost jet-black hair and coal-black eyes. And you know, now I love lanky.

Sr. Olives is an olive-skinned Italian boy (3rd gen.) and I say ‘‘boy’’ quite deliberately because he has a very youthful appearance. Compare photos with him at age 10 and he doesn’t look much different. His hair is short, black, and very curly and when he grows it out, it poofs into an afro. He is an extremely attractive man, and I say that as objectively as possible. If you take off his glasses and give him some sun, he looks like he just walked out of a remote village in Greece. His whole family is beautiful. He’s medium-height and thin. He looks like he is - patient, gentle, and kind.

He might actually be smarter than me, though I am loathe to admit it. He has a gift for clinical psychology, particularly research and statistical analysis. He is an Excel master, so when it comes to math and hard science, he can run circles around me. He is very methodical and analytical. He’s a decent writer, but he has a tendency to unintentionally invent new words and pronounce existing ones incorrectly. He’s absent-minded and very s-l-o-w at everything (which isn’t always a bad thing, you know what I’m sayin’?)

He’s friendly with everyone because he genuinely cares about everyone. Every day he tells me some story about the people he has encountered and it’s clear how he empathizes with their struggles. He has such a big heart, and that’s why he works with children in a behavioral clinical setting. He loves kids. What I love about him with children is that he completely embraces their reality, and empathizes with them over issues that adults might label petty or unimportant.

Like myself, he’s an enormous geek. Science fiction, RPGs, Eurogames and comic books, we do them all together. His favorite anything is the X-men. We discuss the X-men daily. He has a gazillion X-men comics and gets like a little boy when I read them, because he’s excited to discuss them. If we run out of things to talk about, he’ll default to X-men.

But we do talk about other things - a lot. Things we heard on NPR, articles we read, general philosophical questions. I could talk to him for hours (and do.) His top priorities in life, he has said, are me and his little sister (now 21, not so little.) He is fiercely devoted to both of us.

He’s the gentlest person I know. I don’t think I’ve ever heard him raise his voice. Every one who knows him sees his goodness.

He is my sun and moon and stars. I’m in awe of him. I don’t know what else to say.

Most people who know my husband casually call him Elvis behind his back. He’s 6’ tall, broad-shouldered, long-faced, dark-haired, pale-eyed, and tans easily. Handsome too. He’s personable and outspoken, good at keeping conversation going, and not afraid to be goofy. Family is everything to him, the one he came from and the one we’ve made ourselves.

My husband has a previous life. He was raised Southern Baptist with a preacher dad to boot. He went to Bible college. He did missionary work in Nepal. He worked second shift at a foundry. He bought a house when he was 22–a tiny one on a decommissioned military base. He got married early to a woman who grew different and got sick very soon after; I guess that for fourteen years absolutely everybody thought he should cut bait and run including his ex-wife, but he believed in marriage so he stayed with her. Finally she found a thing to do terrible enough to make him agree to divorce. I met him two weeks after the paperwork was finished.

The man I met had become an atheist, now had a job in a nice air-conditioned lab, lived in a nice suburban house in a beautiful wooded area, and was ready to be in love. His divorce lawyer told him he’d be married again in a year. She was right.

He likes music. He has a small side business selling tube amp kits. He collects vinyl. He plants and tends the vegetable garden. He likes curry. He jogs. He enjoys travel. He can do laundry and clean up the kitchen, but doesn’t. He gets up early. He has a special talent for coming up with plans that make me feel better and in-control when everything feels out-of-control. He loves his little girl more than life itself. Everybody loves him.

I’m in love.

These are beautiful.

I wonder what became of racinchikki and gunslinger.

My husband is the quintessential nerd who, at one point during our early relationship, really was the creepy, mom’s-basement-dwelling, friendless, jobless type. Ironically, this is what attracted me to him. On Yahoo! personals. He was the guy with the Wing Commander necklace and lightsaber.

He’s 5’ 9" (the perfect height!), overweight in a cute way, and has the best smile on the planet. He still makes me blush even ten years later.

On the rare occasion we do go out in public, he does strange voices for cashiers, white-boy dances, and says things that are absolutely mad, and I usually join him. We once were stared at by a carful of teenagers for belting out music from Disney’s Alice in Wonderland.

He has really turned himself around, though. He has a good job, eats better, and has matured by leaps and bounds…in only the right ways.

He’s the best writer I have ever read, not because he touches on hard-hitting subjects or uses a plethora of literary techniques to tell some classic American allegory, but because his dialog has heart and he has a great sense of narrative and scene-building.

He’s a die-hard gamer, these days of the MMO variety, and it’s more or less what brought us together.

I would not trade him for anyone. He’s the only person I have ever met that I can honestly say I love and the only one that has the unknown element necessary to love me, even like me, in return.

SWMBO is a totally awesome woman. She is smart, beautiful and a truly nice person overall. I definitely got the better end of the bargain in our relationship.

We got married on our 20th anniversary together and I truly believe she is the missing piece in the puzzle of my life. I feel incomplete without her.

She’s also incredibly brave. She had an accident last summer that required her to have surgery on her spine two weeks ago. I would have been whimpering like a whipped dog. She complained a little on the bad days, but she is already back at work.

My treasure.

Also, forgot to mention: listed as a co-author of an article in the International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology. Pretty good for a guy who probably has more work experience than education! :smiley:

Why did I click on this thread? :frowning:

Your link doesn’t work.

My girlfriend Daniela is amazing. We’ve been dating for 2 years. (Today! … Well, yesterday, because it’s past midnight.) We met online through the magic of fanfiction – she needed someone to proofread her writing, I volunteered and that was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. I know, I know – a friend tells me our story is second only to “at a reciting the digits of pi contest” as the geekiest possible way to meet someone. But we are pretty damn geeky, so that works.

She’s tall and curvy with a butt that won’t quit. She has black hair (currently with fading red, pink and blue streaks), brown eyes, a smile that lights up her whole face and chipmunk cheeks that I just want to squish and kiss. She loves to wear bright colours and doesn’t particularly care if they match or not.

She’s a university lecturer/administrator, and has just started work on a PhD in psychology. She speaks four languages (Spanish, English, Japanese and German) and writes really well in two of them (Spanish and English). She can knit, paint, and sketch, but only does so on special occasions because it takes so much effort to get her art just the way she wants it. Plus she loves food and is an excellent cook.

She has the biggest heart, and feels everything very intensely. She says she’s a drama queen, but I prefer my phrasing. She’s the corniest, most romantic person I know, and being with her has helped me get in touch with my own diehard romantic side. She’s cheerful and optimistic and always laughing – her sentences are punctuated by laughter like mine are punctuated by “um”. Horror movies render her adorably terrified, but she insists on watching them anyway. She’s kind and generous to a fault. Like, two weeks ago she almost ran over a stray dog. She took it home with her, named it Blacky and adopted it. Conversely, she has quite a temper when roused – some asshole tried ‘negging’ her at a party once, she tore strips off him. She also has a hyperactive guilt complex, which can make it hard to argue with her because her idea of solving a conflict is to apologise eight million times then humbly offer to not speak to me until I’m ready to forgive her. I’m trying to get her to stop doing this, and having some success.

We can talk about anything, both in the sense of baring our souls to each other and riffing on any topic under the sun. We always make each other laugh, whether the joke is sarcastic, morbid, silly or just a string of puns. She’s the one I go to when I want to celebrate some happy news, or cry my eyes out and have someone comfort me, or geek out over something cool. No matter what, she’s always there for me and always on my side, and when the going gets tough she’s the sanest, most sensible person I know. The rest of the time she’s the weirdest, craziest person I know, and that’s awesome too.

The link is over 10 years old. Coldie hasn’t posted much over the last few years. Damn good mod too.