Hi everybody, I have a debate due tomorrow in my english class and I am in desperate need for evidence supporting the following contention. By the way, the topic “Allowing innocent people to be harmed is preferable to giving in to terrorist demands.” and I’m fighting the negative which means that my thesis is “Allowing innocent people to be harmed is not preferable to giving in to terrorist demands.” I’m going to stress that I do not necessarily agree with these things and I really just need some evidenceso I can get a grade… even if you dont agree with this contention, please just help me out… I would appreciate it SO SO SO much. Thanks!


Society should be based on individualism.

Please get back to me tonight, this is due tomorrow. Thanks!!! :slight_smile:

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This topic is already posted in this forum here. Please post any replies to GliTTerRoCk67 there, so we do not get live exact duplicate topics; it’s too confusing. I am going to lock this thread, since it is a dup.

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