Diaper Changing on a table ... in a lunch room.

Ok…I know I’ve seen something like this on here before but seriously, why would anyone with even a brain the size of a quark, think it’s ok to change a diaper on a lunch room table…FULL OF PEOPLE HAVING LUNCH!!! Here’s a bulletin. You are not the first person on earth to whelp out a kid and your’s isn’t more special than anyone else’s…so change the diaper on a bench, or in your car, or on the floor, or hey…how about at home??? NOT ON THE LUNCH ROOM TABLE!!!

Reported for forum change.

I once called the health department on a small supermarket where I saw the owner’s wife changing their baby’s diaper on the meat counter inches away from open trays of meat in the open back display case.
(There were also numerous other sanitation violations to choose from.)

Moved to the BBQ Pit.

bolding mine

This will go well.

That’s disgusting.

No one said anything ?

In fact, I expect that in so far as it goes anywhere, it will go well.

I’m having a hard time imagining that anyone is going to march in and declare their right to change a baby on the lunch room table at work.

And I’m also curious as to why nobody spoke up.

The previous thread on this issue had some people doing just that. Although I could be misremembering, and it could have been the OP of that thread claiming the right to change anywhere.

What previous thread?

There was this one from 2005 but I’m sure there was one more recent.

Your constitutional right not be grossed out by something has been violated. You should sue.

The table bit is gross, no argument.

Your ‘do it at home’ suggestion Im not so impressed with. You’re not so special either.


Was this lunch room occupied by people eating lunch at the time? If not, I don’t see a problem. Now if I caught a couple having sex on the lunch room table, I might object, cause I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t be carrying the supplies to leave a clean environment.

I think this is the previous thread being referred to - from 2010. Although it wasn’t being changed, the kid was sitting on the table, which is a slightly less egregious situation.

In this case, as a parent - yeah, yuck.

You actually asked this question when the very text that you quoted said “…FULL OF PEOPLE HAVING LUNCH!!!” in all caps with three exclamation points?

Ew. A good parent has a diaper bag with them complete with wipes and a plastic bag they can use to store the used diaper if necessary until disposing of it.

That’s the one I was thinking of.

The OP would be better if the parent was changing one kid while breastfeeding another in public.

Yeah, but the main instigator in that thread is no longer posting here. I don’t think there’s going to be a whole lot of dissent in this thread…

…except for people who can’t read.