Dick Cheney, Living Genius

Great post Skopo.

Heh - I read this at first as “living genus”. I think we can all agree that he’s reptilian; it’s the specie that’s up for grabs.

I second World Eater’s comment. Skopo, your post was hilarious (and scary at the same time.) I’m tempted to print it up and put it on my wall.

This has been the number one tactic of BushCo since they took office. They recognize that the Dems don’t have the balls to call a lie a lie, regardless of its inconsistency with reality. Therefore it’s to their advantage to make the most outrageous claims possible.

So, if the situation is white, call it black. The right-wing media echo chamber will then put out the word “black” across the land. The Dems, too emasculated to rebut with anything more than, “it’s not so black as you say” will at best correct public perception to a deep charcoal grey.

I am actually considering voting for BushCo, on the “give them all the rope they need” principle.

This country is not going to shake itself of the bad habit of Newt Gingrich/Neocon conservatism until they completely discredit themselves.

If we elect Kerry now, all that’s going to do is fuel the hatred and petulance of the Gingrich/Neocon crowds. Any attempt to hold people like Cheney, Feith, Rumsfeld, Perle or Wolfowitz, accountable for their corruption and criminal behavior will be dismissed as retaliatory rather than remedial.

The only way to really end this surreal nightmare is to let it run its course… The inflection point has already been reached.

And I formed this opinon long before Mark Morford’s opinon piece came out.