Did anyone else see the Rugrats "All Growed Up" Special?

Yeah, what can I say? I always thought cartoons were one of the things you start to like LESS as you got older, but for me it’s the other way round. Hehe…

So am I the only doper here to see it? I haven’t really watched the Rugrats too often, but it was one of the first shows I watched in Nick. I remember seeing it back in '91. I was only six back then. I figured I had to watch “All Growed Up” for the memories. Hehe. Angelica rocked; she had total flare. And Tommy was pretty cute. Overall, a good story. Corny at the end, but still. I liked it.

If no one replies to this, I’m going to feel like such a moron…But I’ll take my chances! :wink:

Oh, please spoil me!!! I wish I could’ve seen the special, but I don’t have cable TV. :frowning: Tell me what the special was about, other than showing the Rugrats older.

I saw it. It was a big event in my family, as well as in the families of my boyfriend and other friends. (We all have younger siblings.) I honestly don’t remember what happened in it, though. Oh yes I do; I just now remembered. I had more faith in Tommy; I thought he wouldn’t steal the medallion from his father. Also, if he’s going to make a fake one, why not give Angelica the fake? Tommy’s dad must be much more familiar with the jewelery than Angelica, and therefore would be able to more easily identify the imposter. Did you see the Rugrats behind-the-scenes special afterward?

I didn’t really like Rugrats as a kid, though. I was more of a Doug child.


There’s a big concert that Angelica and all of her friends are attending. (I think Tommy et. al. are going, too.) The singer has a special medallion that she always wears. Tommy’s father has the same medallion, and Angelica wants to wear it to the concert to show her friends how cool it is, and to maybe get on stage and sing with the pop star. Unfortunately, Stu and Didi are entered in a disco contest that same night and the medallion is Stu’s lucky charm - he never dances without it. Angelica makes a bargain with Tommy: if he steals the medallion for her, she will say good things about Chuckie to her friend (whom Chuckie has a crush on). Tommy creates a fake medallion for his father, and steals the real one for Angelica. I don’t remember much what happens after that, except Suzie comes back as a babysitter and Tommy and Angelica get to sing on stage with the pop star about all being friends forever.

Any chance this is going to be re-braodcast? I missed it.

[I still prefer the Passover special, with Angelica as Pharoah, and Cynthia in a matching Pharoahette outfit.]

I have toddlers. I watched “All Growed Up” every damn time it was on.


That said, I rather liked it. Except for the song that Tommy & Angelica sang with that pop star–Emica was her name. That was truly, truly dorky.

Besides the song being dippy, I did NOT like what Emica said when she was calling Tommy up on stage–“Okay, how about that cool kid next to the kid with the braces?”–implying that having braces makes one automatically uncool. Besides, the kid with the braces was Chuckie, and I do like Chuckie. :smiley:

Yeah the song was overly sentimental, Persephone. I too have watched this show a couple of times…what she said was kinda mean. It didn’t really sound like she was trying to be mean (I mean her tone of voice), it’s more like the content sounds cruel.

I liked the whole Suzy babysitting for Tommy. :slight_smile: Nice touch. And Didi’s line: “Curse the deluxe volumes of Lipshultz!”

It’s Lipschitz, Zog. :smiley: And no, the song wasn’t sentimental–it was downright sucky.

I do agree with you on what Emica said, though. It wasn’t the tone, it was the content. But it was still rude. :smiley:

I LOVED it. Phil and Lil were sooo cute, as usual!

I adore the Rugrats. I didn’t even mind the dorky song-hell, it’s RUGRATS!