Did cecils comeback fade away?

You never see them both in the same place.

I’ve heard that said about Ringo Starr and Yassir Arafat.

Oh, Cecil is coming. He’s still our best hope.

I close my eyes and he drifts away

All the way to Boston?

4 posts were split to a new topic: Gigabyte’s posts now live in the cornfield

The forum is still alive, but not as lively as it was in its prime. We’ve lost some people, via mortality, banning, or just losing interest. And you probably missed the switch from vBulletin to Discourse.

Discourse is a fairly prevalent forum environment but the entire realm of “forum environments” itself is fairly niche.

I thought Cecil wrote some decent new columns. But there was lots of kvetching. Artists are sensitive, and even though they were interesting and well done, they didn’t always completely reflect the views of younger folks.

The old columns can still be discussed.

He’s in Patagonia cavorting with the locals.

We talk. Chatty Cecil I call him.

He wishes you well.

Wait a minute CECIL? HERE? (for expansive definitions of “here”)
And me in these rags and not coiffured? hyperventilates
Unless he’s in the Chilean Patagonia, but he’d never go to a country without World Cups (Or Nobel Prizes) (No, Literature doesn’t count, and Borges was robbed, robbed I tell you)