Did Cruz Bustamante use the word nigger at a dinner party for Black History Month?

Is this quote from AnnCoulter accurate?



Then it was a slip of the tongue. As long as you don’t believe in Freudian slips, it’s not really his fault. It’s a shame to see him get eaten alive for a simple slip of the tongue…

Maybe a slip of the tongue. We’ve made a national sport of crucfying public figures for slips of the tongue under the theory that they tend to say what they are thinking instead of what they should be saying. I don’t think there’s much to this and don’t think it will affect the election.

The more significant question is Bustamante’s position on the MEChA group, which he was a member of and has apparently continued to support. They seem to be the Latino equivalent of the KKK. Link:

Perhaps a minor point, but I’m not sure I agree with Ms. Malkin’s translation in that article:

Bolding mine. I’m not sure where those words came from.

Since the OP was answered, mods feel free to move this to GD.

Is that because of all the lynchings and cross burnings they didn’t do?