Did/do Chinese physicians really smell their patients' feces?

There’s a scene in the Bertolucci film The Last Emperor: Two-year-old Pu Yi has just been crowned emperor of China and is spending his first night in the palace. While he is reluctantly having his bath, a court physicians sniffs the crap in Pu Yi’s chamber pot and orders, “No bean curd!” Meaning, I presume, that for medical reasons the palace cooks shouldn’t feed the emperor any bean curd until further notice.

Did traditional Chinese physicians really use the smell of a patients’ feces as a diagnostic tool? Do they still? Would it really provide any useful information? Unlike acupuncture, this practice seems never to have caught on in the West.

I believe that the smell of feces has been and still is used by physicians everywhere.

For exampe: according to Medfriendly.com-- http://www.medfriendly.com/feces.html

To diagnose various medical problems, feces are often examined for their smell, color, quantity, and consistency…**

I think I’ll mention this the next time my grandparents ask me why I didn’t become a doctor.

It’s certainly common for vets, and conscientious animals owners, to keep on out on what comes out.

Frankly, I don’t go around sniffing patient’s feces, but I can tell the scent of melanotic stool (digested blood), along with fatty stool, from ordinary stool.

I can also diagnose trichomonas in a female patient by scent alone in a lot of cases (altho I also send it to the lab to make sure).

Anaerobic abscesses are easy to diagnose by smell, as is wet gangrene. And diabetics in keto-acidosis give off a characteristic fruity odor.

Hazard of the profession. Anyone still think we get paid too much? :smiley:


If pay scales are based on the ookiness factor, doctors should be on the low end!

no doctor in China has ever smelled my poop. I’m sure it can happen, but it’s not part of the normal exam.

I can smell pretty much what Qadgop can, plus maybe some liver disease, pneumonia, strep throat and urine infections. If I’m going to smell a patient’s stool, though, they’d probably need to be on their way to a more glamorous “throne” than the one you’re heading for :).

Seems perfectly reasonable to me. Smell can be an incredibly useful diagnostic tool. I can diagnose parvo or other HGE’s by smell, as well as parasite infestations, yeast infection of the ears, hotspots and other skin ailments. Heck, one of the women I work with can usually tell you what type of parasites an animal has just by smelling the poop. I can usually only recognize coccidia smell, though.

and i know when a person have had papaya…

I saw a Dateline special… or maybe it was 20/20, where women suffering from breast cancer were seen by a Chinese doctor. he was dressed as a buddhist monk, I remember.

Part of his examination included stirring the women’s urine sample and smelling it, as well as noting it’s foamabitlity or lack there of.

He didn’t use the aid of a mamoghram or biopsy, and then proceeded to give them herbs and special diets.

Very interesting.