Did I injure a nerve in my finger?

An xray would tell if there is a fracture or not.

I will probably go and see a neurologist and hand doctor in about a week or so. Reason is b/c i will check a doctor in the usa where im from.
Is there a chance they would require me to do something and stay a few weeks? Reason i ask is b/c i will have to leave the usa again soon.

I will see a doctor in about a week or so. Reason i cant now is b/c im out of the country and was told doctors here aren’t going to do much.
But do stone bruise heal on their own? Its visible right? Thus if you look closely at my left index finger, you would see a bump right on the left index finger? Basically anything i touch… i feel the numbness/tingling feeling because of that visible bump.
Yea i know im really frustrated with it and its not doing good for my mental health. I been going crazy over this as it doesn’t seem to get any better.

If it helps the OP any, I am somewhat sure following a broken-glass-in-the-foot experiment I tried (it did not end well), that I have mild nerve damage in my big toe. I have lost sensation in the toe and occasionally feel a type of pins and needles in it.

Okay that doesn’t make me feel good. But im thinking of a lot of situations where ppl could injure their hand such as slamming door into fingertip or things like that. But is it normal for me to worry quite a bit here?
Also the pins and needles you all mention, is it like the numbness feeling?

Another thing but if i went and saw a hand doctor very quickly say next day or following day, would that have helped? What im worried is if you wait too long, then it would be permanent etc.

Saw a doctor here. He said the term for this is post traumatic neurosis. He said my issue is minor and said i wouldn’t need an xray at all done.
He wrote me a prescription for Tremecox 300mg/7.5mg and to take it twice a day for 30 days. He said this should help me nerves heal faster as oppose to waiting for it. He said if that doesn’t work, then he will give me another medication to take if i still have these issues. He said last resort would be he would inject it but he said he won’t do it now b/c that is most aggressive action to take which he doesn’t want.
First off, have you heard of taking a medication for 30 days? At first i didn’t think anything at all then i thought… i dont think i ever taken a medication for that long. He said maybe dizzyness i get as side effect. Usually medication would be taking something for 10 days max… i never heard of taking something for 30 days. I didn’t mention this to doctor at the time b/c i didn’t think about it at the time but he did say if you take it for 2 weeks, it isn’t going to do much.

yes, people take medications for days, weeks, months, years. Don’t worry. If you research this drug online, one of the main ingredients is used to treat nerve problems.

Internet stranger here - next time you have a physical problem that is clearly really bothering you, go see a dr sooner! it seems there was something they could try. Who knew?! Oh yeah - the Doctor!

Do you or anyone have opinion on those Chinatown places where they give you herb/medicine to help with nerve damage?