About 10 days ago i injured my index finger from slamming both of my hands on a table due to being stressed/frustrated. I notice this later on in the day when i touched my left index finger on keyboard and other things but its very noticeable when i touch a keyboard.
At first i was worried if i broke my finger but the thing is i can move my finger just fine. I definitely feel like i injured a nerve in my left index finger. Basically its only the top part of it opposite fingernail. Thus when i touch anything with my index finger, its like a static feeling on it.
There was a retired doctor who took a look and said its nothing more than a stone bruise i believe as he call it. He said i dont need to see a hand doctor so i didn’t bother. He said it should heal in about a week or so and its been 10 days and still been the same. I didn’t use any ice or put anything on it the first week and then later on did put it on some ice for short period but i read its too late for that now.
Has anyone here has a hand or finger injury like this? Im pretty worried i broke a nerve as i read online if you touch anything and feel uncomfortable sensation etc, you most likely broke a nerve. So right now i rarely use my left index finger to touch keyboard when typing etc.
Also if you look closely at the top of my left index finger, you see like a small bump there. Anyone here have any advice? This is a very uncomfortable feeling as touching a keyboard or anything like that makes me feel very queezy if thats the term? Does anyone know how long it takes for this injury to heel? When i use my left thumb to touch my top index finger, it feels very uncomfortable. I’m worried this isn’t going heal since i read nerves take time to heal.
Reported for a forum change.
Moved from General Questions to IMHO where you can get all the opinions you want.
samclem, moderator
It does sound like a stone bruise. A bump is common along with the tenderness. But if you’re still considering seeing a doctor you might want to seek out a counselor. Reacting that much to frustration can’t be good for either you or the people around you. You wouldn’t want the physical acting-out to escalate.
How long does it take for a stone bruise to go away? Yes theres the bump thats exactly on the top end of my left index finger.
See a dr. for the finger. It does sound like nerve damage. You could have other things going on with a finger that x-rays or other tests would help rule out. Dr. is a better bet to help you diagnose and help treat at this point.
A waste of money. If its not broken there is little they can doi for you except take your money. Also Becky 2844 has some good advice.
Also it could be broken. Being able to move the finger is not a reliable indicator of fracture or not. Certainly possible you have a “tuft fracture”. Of course nothing to do for that either.
If i do have nerve damage, what would be done? Its been close to 2 weeks. And yes i have that bump still.
Okay so basically nothing can be done then? The retired doctor who saw me said it should heal and its nothing to worry about since its a stone bruise according to him.
I like to mention that part of my finger is very sensitive. I could not think of the right word for it earlier.
Any other opinion here? Still have the sensitivity and numbness and its been 2 weeks.
Will this eventually go away? Its really uncomfortable touching anything with my left index finger now b/c of the tingling/numbness sensation.
I like to mention that im actually out of the usa now. But i will most likely head back to usa soon for a short visit. The thing is here theres not any good hand doctor i believe. So if i go back to the usa… does anyone know what the procedure will be like to see a hand doctor? Thus they will examine my hand then do xrays.
But after that, would i get any procedure done and how long would it take? Is there chance they would do any surgery? I dont believe so since i dont notice any swelling or deformity etc. I just cant stand this tingling feeling around the top of my left index finger. Reason i ask is b/c i need to know how long i have to stay in the usa for before i leave b/c i initially planned to go back to usa for few days but now i might have to stay longer if i need procedure done? But if its splint or anything like that, then its basically one and done and i probably wont need to go back? Also heardf about pins and needles… would that even relate to my case? Thing is if im told okay you wont get the numbness or tingling feeling in a certain time period… then i wouldnt have to worry but now im just really worried.
The ‘procedure’ is to look up the number of a Hand Doctor in the town you will be in and call their office to make an appointment. If you have insurance they may require a referral from Primary Care. If you don’t have insurance they will make you pay up front. Also you may not be able to get an appointment on short notice so don’t wait until you are already in the US.
I’m not sure how you expect anyone here to be able to tell you what will happen not having examined you but I am happy to speculate that you’ll get an xray which will be negative and will be told there’s nothing else they can do and to give it more time. Recovery time from “nerve injuries” is hard to predict and may be weeks, months or longer.
Okay understood. But is there anything i can do to speed more recovery? I read taking vitamin b-12 and ACETYL-L-CARNITINE is good for it.
Sure, or you could just eat a balanced diet containing those things.
Would a orthopedic or neurologist be able to tell me if i have nerve damage or not? Would they be able to tell me about how long they estimate it can be?
But if they do an xray… wouldn’t they be able to tell me anything i don’t know now?