I like to check out the Trivia, Goofs, and Critic Reviews on the IMDB but they’ve recently redone the page and it seems like the reviews have vanished.
Can anyone else see them?
What you do is search for the movie using the space (marked “Search IMDb”) at the top of the webpage. You’ll get to the main webpage for the movie. Then go down the webpage until you get to the section marked “User Reviews” and click on the sentence at the bottom of that section marked “See all N user reviews”, where N is the number of reviews the movie has gotten from the people using IMDb who want to review it. Click on that sentence. This will get you to the first webpage of user reviews. Go to almost the bottom of that first webpage. You’ll find links to “External Reviews” and “Metacritic Reviews”. Click on them. Each of them will lead you to the critics’ reviews.
Ah, I see it now. Thank you.