Did Jackie Suspect LBJ of Killing JFK?

My God, I would imagine all kinds of stuff went through Jackie’s mind, LBJ, CIA, Cuba, Mafia…in that state, who knows? She didn’t seem to espouse any of that sort of thing later on, so I couldn’t say.

No, it has a LOT to do why the USA spent billions on an obscure corner of the earth. Johnson’s friends endorsed the war, and mde lots of money from it.


Looks like they got to ralph124c.:frowning:

So… is Korea also an obscure corner of the world? Was Harry Truman working to make money for defense contractors?

Isn’t it MORE likely that, JFK and LBJ were both acting according to longstanding U.S. policies to contain the spread of comunism?

His last, dying movement was to click “Submit reply” to an unfinished post. Gotta love the determination to bring forth the truth.

Ralph, you will be missed. WE WILL NOT FORGET YOUR SACRIFICE!

In 1950? Yes, it was.

So, obviously, Harry Truman only sent troops there because defense contractors wanted him to, right?

Why did jack ruby a known associate of the mafia kill lee Harvey oswold, was this a patriotic duty of a dying man with terminal cancer I suspect not. Why did the know lover who had lyndon johnsons child go on record saying he not only knew it was going to happen but was a part of it. Why did lyndon johnsons attorney go on record saying Johnson was absolutely beyond doubt involved in it. Why would Jim garret spend years of his life as a district attorney fighting for the truth for no reason. The son of the new York mafia family said quote “the death of lee Harvey oswold stinks of mafia involvement”. Finally Jackie Kennedy had those tapes sealed for 50 years because she believed lee Harvey oswold killed jfk… come on ladies and gentlemen way to many people connected directly to murder and the people involved in it have spoken out, the reasons for it we may never properly understand or become privy to but let’s not be naive throughout history human beings have murdered and commited horrible acts of violence to get to where they want to be, this is just another case of it and for the record lee Harvey oswold denied ever killing jfk.

The book is out now and the stories from it are leaking out all over the place.

Here’s what we know.

Jackie didn’t like Martin Luther King.

Or Lyndon Johnson.

She thought Ted Sorenson tried to take credit for writing Profiles in Courage.

She didn’t like her sister-in-law Eunice Shriver, and didn’t have a lot of respect for either Lady Bird Johnson or Pat Nixon.

But there isn’t a single thing in the whole damn book that suggests she thought Lyndon Johnson had anything to do with the assasination.

Sorry, mike1.

But I thought Ted Sorenson DID write Profiles in Courage. :confused:

Lee Harvey Oswald, a communist, killed John F Kennedy. Period. The people who believe otherwise, the Oliver Stones and Mort Sahls of the world, are so flat out stupid and dishonest that they make the birthers and 9/11 truthers look rational.

So you can understand why she was angry about it.

Oh, no doubt Oswald did the actual shooting. But I can believe that if there was some sort of conspiracy, LBJ would have been involved.

Lately, various newspapers have reported that Jacky had some unflattering remarks about Martin Luther King-supposedly, King claimed that Cardinal Cushing was drunk at JFK’s funeral, and that MLK was trying to arrnage an “orgy” at one point.
Sounds like this could make nice “National Inquirer” material!

ralph124c has escaped the conspiracy’s evil clutches!!

From interviews of Jacqueline Kennedy I’ve seen from around that time, she’s never struck me as all that bright. Maybe average intelligence at best. She was also surrounded by people she apparently despised and had recently had the traumatic experience of holding her husband’s brains and trying to keep them from sliding out of his head. With all that, I don’t doubt she could have been led to believe all sorts of nutty things.

I’m not sure how exactly LBJ undermined the Warren commission – you mean thwarting the investigation at the time, or casting doubt on its conclusions afterward?

If it’s the former, I can understand a reluctance to get to the bottom of the matter if LBJ feared that Castro or the Soviets were definitely behind JFK’s murder. If such findings became public, it could have led to World War III.

What would? That, 48 years ago, somebody who’s now dead got offended because somebody else who’s now dead made an offensive joke about somebody else who’s now dead on the occasion of a fourth person’s funeral?

You’re skipping the “MLK arranging orgies during the march on Washington” part.

From all I’ve read, Jackie thought LBJ was tacky and boorish, but had an offhand affection for him and later was grateful for how well he treated her after JFK’s death. AFAIK she never suspected him of complicity in her husband’s murder.

JFK edged up the U.S. commitment in Vietnam but resisted repeated Pentagon pressure to do more, and said to several aides that he would consider disengagement if reelected. He told Cronkite in a summer 1963 interview that, when all was said and done, it was up to the South Vietnamese to win their own war. After early screwups such as the Bay of Pigs, JFK became quite sure-footed in his foreign policy by the end of his life, and distrustful of the advice of uniformed professionals, unlike LBJ. For more, I strongly suggest this book: http://www.amazon.com/Kennedys-Wars-Berlin-Cuba-Vietnam/dp/0195152433/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1315854051&sr=1-1

And to nitpick: it’s “Sorensen.”