Did Joshua French and Tjostolv Moland probably do it?

Did Joshua French and Tjostolv Moland probably do murderous things, or not?

I don’t know.

Honestly, who knows. They were convicted twice, but the DRC isn’t exactly a bastion of judicial fairness.

From the little I’ve read of it, it sounds like a scheme to extort big bucks from the Norwegian government.

They were tried and sentenced to death. Then that was overturned, and they were tried again and sentenced to death. The monetary damages that DRC wants from Norway have been reduced from $500M to a mere $65M though.

Why is Norway allegedly conducting espionage against DRC?

As for why DRC believe Norway is interested in spying on them , nobody knows. The reason DRC are claiming this is because Tjostolv Moland still had his government issue Military Identity Card with him at the time of arrest, even tough he quit the Norwegian Army years ago. Also, they had advanced spy equipment like a GPS reciever and a camera…

As for them being guilty of murder? No, can’t see it at all. The Trial(s) have been a travesty in every regard, with witnesses changing stories, ridiculous interpretations of “evidence” and so on. Besides, why on earth would Moland and French kill their hired driver? Makes no sense.

However, what Moland and French really were doing in DRC is still unclear. They claim being tourists, but different theories points to mercenary activities, supporting the rebels in DRC and planning a bank robbery.

What I have read they were scouting in order to set up a mercenary training camp (in Rwanda IIRC). Whatever they were doing they don’t seem to be the brightest shining geniuses in the World.