Did Marley ban Canadians from the SDMB this morning?

Is it a coincidence that the letters “DNS” are the last three consonants in “canaDiaNS”?

I think not.

Terrance and Phillip is the best humor they can come up with. ban them all.

The vBulletin software has evolved a mind and a will of its own. It now auto-bans users of its own volition, according to its own lights.

Must . . . sterilize . . .

(BTW: Are goons good to eat?)

Battered and deep fried. Or so I hear.

I support this pile-on. I mean, they have had it coming. :smiley:

Calm yourselves, you Yankee cutthroats.

Think of us as unarmed Amerikans with healthcare, who are polite, if it helps. Did we not give you Neil Young? The Trailer Park Boys? Red Green?

You’re welcome!
(Now bugger off the lot of you!)

When Canada is dead and gone, there’ll be no more Celine Dion!

William Shatner?!! :eek:

Captain Kirk always (seriously) seemed to me as a particularly American mythic figure, fighting for truth, justice, and the American Way, just like Superman, in that he had incredible power (albeit technological).

Of course, like Jessica Rabbit, he was just drawn that way by his screenwriters. But still, now I feel like the first time I found out as a kid that my favorite baseball heroes were not from the city of their team, and perhaps didn’t give a shit about the city.

But Shatner loves, stands for, America. Right? Please say it’s true.

Shatner riffing off a Canadian beer ad:

If god did not want us to wage nuclear war, he would not have invented the godless Canadians.

Marley doesn’t ban people anymore, he finds it ineffective. Now he just uses the SDMB botnet to launch DDOS attacks on the nearest DNS server.