Did President Trump direct OMB to violate the Impoundment Control Act?

There’s two questions here. First, did the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) violate the Impoundment Control Act? Second, did President Trump direct such a violation?

I think the answer to both questions is yes.

As of today, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) also says OMB violated the law. Read their decision here: https://www.gao.gov/products/B-331564

I would prefer we leave out the question of whether impoundment is an impeachable offense. That can have it’s own thread.


Reproduced below is my argument from the Trump Inquiry thread, which is probably inferior to GAO’s decision:


The President is charged with executing the laws and instructions of Congress, hence, “executive”. He is not entitled hang the ones he doesn’t much like.

Do you mean like Deferred Action? :dubious:

Yeah, what about that?

With all due respect, I don’t think deferred action would trigger of the Impoundment Control Act. We’re talking about impounding funds here.


There’s literally no coherent argument to the contrary. Of course the President broke the law here.

What Ravenman said. This is flat out flaunting… his ability to flout the law! Ha ha!

I think the argument that could be framed is the MAGA one:

“Screw you! Trump can do whatever he damn well pleases, because he’s the bestest preserdent ever!”

When this news broke I wandered over to r/conservative to see what the party line was going to be. Unsurprisingly most people seemed to be ignoring it, but there were, nearest I can tell, two arguments various people put forth.

  1. The GAO is clearly a bunch of butthurt deep state bureaucrats whose opinions should be ignored, and

  2. This is no big deal, the OMB and the Trump administration can just make adjustments to their policies so that this doesn’t happen again, that’s what policy watchdogs are for after all.
    I think we can all agree that the mouth breathers who eschew opinion 1 can be summarily ignored, but my response (that I only post here, of course) to those putting forth argument 2 is thus: I would LOVE if the Trump administration admitted fault and made policy changes to prevent this from happening in the future. Because in a way they’re right, at least about the role of the GAO – most GAO findings aren’t going to result in impeachment or anything, they’re just going to shine a light on problems within the government that need to be fixed. And then a responsible government will, you know, admit fault and fix those problems.

That’s not going to happen here, of course. Instead, the Trump administration and the powers that be within the OMB will admit no fault, say they did nothing wrong, and attack anyone who dare says otherwise. Anyone who points out what an insane response this is to a reasonable report produced by the well-respected GAO will be accused of Trump Derangement Syndrome, and probably called a libtard soy boy cuck. And lastly, Trump will double down on using appropriated funds to manipulate foreign governments to his advantage.

I see they haven’t caught on to D’Anconia’s line:

  1. But Obama!

Oh there was plenty of that too, I just didn’t think it was relevant to the thread.

I’m waiting for:[ul]
[li]There’s no violation of the law unless there’s a conviction;[/li][li]Trump can’t be investigated, let alone convicted.[/li][/ul]Repeat ad infinitum (or nauseam, whichever comes first).

Uh, we’re already past the second one, so I guess it’s whatever comes last.

Very well, without objection I invite you all to visit the new thread, “[THREAD=888749]Is President Trump’s violation of the Impoundment Control Act an impeachable offense?[/THREAD]”
