Did Royal Raymond Rife find a cure for cancer?

Here is a paper that summarises the modern view of everything known to be wrong with Rifes microscopes. https://www.quekett.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Bracegirdle-Rife-microscopes.pdf

What Rife said he saw with his microscope was “tiny bacteria” . He looked at cancer and saw things that he said resembled a bacteria He said he saw tiny versions of tuberculosis, streptococci , typhoid fever, staphylococcus , leprosy and more. He said he saw these in cancers. That a kidney cancer was one, a liver cancer another. lung cancer was actually TB…

So therefore, pathology labs that deal with samples that are sent for determination of bacteria or cancer, would very often show both.

The claim that the Rife observations are not being disproved because no one is looking, is just so wrong. Its routinely tested at pathology … cancer, TB, or both ? Wouldn’t pathology have found both ? but no Rife fooled himself with the idea that the body transmuted the regular bacteria to the miniature version, and the miniature version was in cancer.

He reports how the microscopes had been studied, and found to have all sorts of extraneous equipment. That a Rife microscope was rather boring really, except it had easily made extra features, but nothing useful, so as to make it LOOK like a new invention, with all sorts of high tech additions …

That even for the purpose of holding the sample below the lense, it was done with such a sloppy arrangement, a metal tray sitting on three adjustable height metal balls. It looked like it was a very complicated scientific apparatus, but actually the use of metal balls as the contact point is so slippery, its hopeless. That Rife always sent them incomplete or wrongly assembled, and destroyed the one he had working … ( which was odd because surely if he had a working 50000x optical microscope, he would keep it … )

The microscope certainly looks impressive. :slight_smile:

It looks like a collaboration between M.C. Escher and Rube Goldberg.

I actually have a copy of Hulda Clark’s book; I should read it someday.

Yeah, “cancer cures” like the Hoxsey and Gerson therapies popped up like mushrooms in the early 20th century, and honestly, they probably worked as well as anything else traditional medicine had to offer. Ever heard of people using juicing (they drank the juice) and coffee enemas (they obviously didn’t drink the coffee) for cancer treatment? Yeah, the Gerson therapy, and Mr. Hoxsey tried his own herbal remedy when he developed prostate cancer in the late 1960s. It didn’t work, and he resorted to traditional medicine before he died in 1972.

Never mind cancer. You are all probably asking, "What can a Rife machine do to ward off or cure Covid-19?

Fortunately, a search of the literature is rife with possibilities, or rather, frequencies. To wit, via a list helpfully provided by “spooky2”:

Corona Virus Sars,“152.19,155,304.39,309.89,456.5,464.89,608.7,619.89,760.89,774.79,1217.5,1239.7,1369.59,1 394.7,2435,2479.5,4870,4959,9740,9918,”,XTRA
Corona Virus,“145.9,165.69,291.69,331.39,437.6,497.1,583.5,662.7,1167,1312.79,1325.5,1491.2,2333.9,26 51,4667.8,5301.89,9335.6,”,XTRA
Coronaviridae Infections,“80,350,5750,12930,63470,182500,435290,562500,793500,995750,”,KHZ Cortex,“15.4,”,XTRA

Something on that list has gotta work. Or, you could groove to 741 Hz and eliminate toxins at the same time you’re cleansing infections.*

*you’ll need to listen to the full 3+ hours for the total effect.

make that 4 …

and I am always happy to find that posters on the old parts of zombies are still alive / around… :wink:

I’ve seen a few zombies revived more times than 4.

My understanding of this medical problem is that “cancer” is just a catch all term for many, many related diseases. So a cure for all of them is not likely or even possible, although some forms of it can be treated at this time. Even when someone goes into complete remission and is 100% cancer free, they still have to go back periodically to see if it has sprung up again.

This, absolutely! Even clearly defined types of cancer have subtypes and mutations, and knowing which one it is can drastically affect treatment and prognosis.

Hey, if it’s good enough for King Charles III, it should be good enough for the commoners too!

I’m not going to give a site like Gawker any additional traffic.

Looks kinda steampunk.

also: “taboo science?”*

*(that’s in reference to throwaway characterization in bbeaty’s first post, lo these 21.5 years ago.)

Gawker is dead. Again.

On February 1, 2023, Bustle Digital Group announced that it would shut down Gawker as part of company-wide cuts.[49] The company e-mailed employees, “facing a surprisingly difficult first quarter of 2023, [it] had made the decision to reprioritize some of its investments that better position the company for the direction we see the industry moving.”[50] Finnegan announced the company’s decision on Twitter that same morning.[51]

You killed it!

Here is the thing, my buddy is the CFO for a small indy drug company. Last time I checked, they had one successful drug (not cancer related) and a couple in the pipeline.

He told me they would jump on any such cancer cure, even if they lost money on it. The publicity, the Nobel prizes, etc would make up for that a hundred times over.

Lots of small indy drug companies have nothing to lose by jumping on this. They dont have a bunch of expensive long term cancer treatments.

The same thing is true for diabetes, another set of diseases that are proving to be way more complicated than anyone ever envisioned (and no, the cure is NOT being withheld on purpose!).

Rife therapy ticks all the boxes for alt med enthusiasts.

Brave maverick doctor discovers central cause of disease and a universal cure based on a magical machine, defies Medical Establishment which shuts him down to avoid being put out of business. Ultimately he is murdered as part of the coverup.*

*Since Rife lived to be 83, the A.M.A. sure took its time.
**The A.M.A. remains a terrifying bogeyman to the alt med crowd, despite the fact that it has no enforcement powers and a decreasing minority of M.D.s are members.

Good point.

Anyone else getting a bunch of Rife machine ads on their phone after posting in this thread? :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Has anyone tried focusing 3+ hours of “It’s a Small World” onto a cancer? I know people who think that could kill anything.