Did XXXX ever make you realize YYYY?

In thinking about the recent Rosacea thread (too lazy to look it up), I remember having this unusual realization:

“Now I know what it’s like to be a woman with big breasts.”

With Rosacea, at times my forehead would be a bright, glowing red, and whenever anyone would talk to me, they would only stare at my forehead. Hey! I’m down here! :smiley:

Did X ever happen to you that made you realize Y_ about someone else or some other group?

When my wisdom teeth were growing in, I had a renewed sympathy for babies.

Yes. But its one of those “Eureka!” moments best left to oneself due to… uh, content.

I’ve never had XXXX - is it stronger than XXX? ‘Cause that stuff sure had me thinkin’ “Y, Y, Y, Y?!”