Did you know that Firefly is awesome?

I agree (with the first bit - haven’t done enough research to know what the general opinion on the boards is).

However, I think part of the reason people love it is because it was a bright star that burned only briefly. It didn’t have time to get boring, or bad, so it never disappointed us. Fans can invest it with whatever future they envisioned for it. It’s full potential was never realised, so that potential seems limitless. If it had run a full season or more, I believe the fan response would be very different.

I do know it’s not anywhere near as awesome as so many people seem to think it is.

Just like everything else Joss Whedon makes.

You don’t *know *that, it’s an opinion. And my opinion is that your opinion is laughably wrong. :smiley:

Firefly was the best series – period. I am not a blind Joss Whedon fan. In fact, I’ve only ever liked Firefly/Serenity and Dr Horrible. Never got into the vampire stuff.

The characters and how they related to each other, the humor, the stories – all fantastic. It’s been years and I still mourn it’s loss on the airwaves.





We watched them on DVD a year or so back. At the end of Our Mrs Reynolds I said to my girlfriend: “That was one of the best things ever.”

So yeah, it’s okay.

I was just thinking that we were overdue for another set of “Firefly is awesome” threads. I love that show.

I enjoyed BSG for the first couple of seasons, but in my opinion it took a sharp nosedive when they settled on New Caprica and it never recovered.

Battlestar Gallactica and Cowboy Bebop are better shows. Firefly is soft entertainment that appeals to the cult crowd. It’s thoroughly enjoyable, but it wouldn’t be as popular as it is, if it had been more popular.

What we have here is the makin’s of real shootout. I love Doctor Horrible, Firefly and BSG, but they are completely different shows. I have never seen Buffy/Angel or Cowboy Bebop, so I can’t comment on them.

When the pie-throwing war starts, can I be on multiple sides?

Just a warning: a friend of mine who likes Firefly did not enjoy the Serenity movie. SPOILER: people die. People she liked. So just be prepared. :slight_smile:

Firefly and BSG are massively different shows. The only thing they have in common is spaceships.

Genre-wise, this isn’t comparing Law and Order with Law and Order: Criminal Intent; it’s comparing Law and Order with The Commish.

A stretch, but it’s almost like asking somebody if they prefer LA Law or Night Court.

Yep. It’s only good if it’s “hard.” It’s only “hard” if Sage Rat likes it. Because he’s a hard dude. Like, fuckin’ granite. :rolleyes:

Also, a BSG and Cowboy Bebop fan dissing Firefly for being “cult”? There’s a saying coming to my mind… can’t really remember exactly what it is. Something about a pot. And a kettle? Something like that.

(Incidentally, I love both Firefly and BSG. It’s possible to enjoy a show without feeling like you need to shit all over another.)

True, but Firefly is more like Night Court. It’s soft, lighthearted entertainment. Calling a puff piece “must-see” goes against social norms. Usually people call something a must see if it is technically or thematically impressive, not just because it’s decently enjoyable and overlooked.

I completely disagree with that. As a hard science fiction fan, Firefly comes far closer to the works of Heinlein, Asimov, Niven, or other hard SF writers than any TV series ever has. I think that’s part of its appeal - it’s real SF, and not just TV space opera. Its universe is more consistent and more plausible, its characters are more complex and better developed, and each episode was plotted better. Effort was taken to make sure the stories stayed consistent with the nature of the universe it was set in and within the motivations and personalities of the characters.

That’s just a weird thing to say. Do you imagine they’re just wrong about how much they themselves like it?

I suspect what he’s trying to say is more like “They love it more than I do.”

ETA: Or, possibly, “They love it more than I imagine I ever could.”

I think the point is that many people here love it a lot more than people did in general. A whole lot more.

If he meant that, he would’ve said, “People on this board give it more love than the general audience did.”

I don’t recall Bull ever being eaten alive by berserk madmen…

The words "rape us to death, eat our flesh, and sew our skins into their clothing " *automatically *disqualify any text from being “soft, lighthearted entertainment”, IMO.

And *Firefly *is oodles more “hard” SF than *BSG *. No FTL, for one thing.