Did you vote? Was it busy?

More people than I expected, but fewer than the last couple of presidential races. There was one very slow person in front of me to get started, and the five voting booths were full, but I don’t have to wait long. Lots of people in line for the district that share my polling station.

I voted at about 7:15, or a quarter-hour after the polls opened. Was able to vote right away; about half of the dozen booths were occupied. I’m not sure what number I was, but I don’t think that precinct’s going to be particularly busy.

On my way out, I casually asked a poll worker what time I could pick her up tonight (this is Mrs. Urquhart’s second election of working the polls.)

I got there at 6:59 a.m. (or so). Was the first voter in my precinct (literally, voter #1, w00t!). It took them longer to figure out how to check me in and get me my ballot than it took for me to vote.

By the time I left (7:15 a.m., 12 minutes of that spent checking in, 3 minutes filling out the ballot), there were probably 15 people in line or voting.

8:45 a.m., no line. At least twice as many poll workers as voters, and with a combined age estimated in the low thousands.

Voting is easy where I live. Too bad my vote is worthless.

Just left the polling place. I had a brief wait in line and all 10 booths were in use. I was voter 432 which seems high for midday. I don’t know what that might mean.

Voted around 9:15 am. It was busy for a midterm, but we also have a governor’s race this year in California. 6 stations, and I had to wait behind one other person for about 3 minutes before I could vote.

Voted this morning. My employer grants us three hours off to vote on election day, so I slept in, then hit the polls on my way to work. I vote in a very rural precinct. This is the first election since I moved out to the country, and I have to find the polling station, with minor adventure ensuing as my GPS wanted me to take a road that is closed due to a bridge washout.

In any event, I got there, and had no delays. I wouldn’t call it a heavy turnout, but there was steady traffic while I was there. 4 voting booths, all in constant use, but people left as others arrived, so it was remarkably efficient.

Only one partisan race on the ballot this year, for Congress Critter. I voted for a Dem, which will likely surprise a few here. I happen to know the guy, and his opponent is a card carrying member of the God Squad. It’s a tight race that could go either way. Really hoping my guy pulls it off. A conservative Dem, strong Second Amendment supporter.

Other races were for various judges. Wrote myself in for Court of Appeals–the only candidate for that spot was unopposed, so why not?

I voted (only cuz Jimmy McMillan needed my vote, and it was literally on the way home from work). It wasn’t very busy, but they had a hard time figuring out what district I was supposed to be in, so I had to jump around tables a couple times. This was the first time that New York has used paper bubble-in ballots, which then get scanned by a computer. The “choose 4” section for the judges was very confusing, especially since some of them appeared in 3 or more parties (how can a judge be a democrat AND a republican? and a conservative, and a working party, etc)…since I wasn’t really up on my judges, I just made sure I picked 4 unique names.

Also, props to the Anti-Prohibition party who actually used a pot leaf as their logo. I had to give them a vote just on principle (and I would be voting no on Prop 19 if I lived in CA).

Was the word Damn in italics?

I voted in my usual conservative precinct, the lines were longer than I had ever seen them, HOWEVER they reported trouble with a couple of the voting machines and they had moved to a smaller room within the school bldg where I vote.

HOWEVER, it was an off-year election, I was voting at an off hour (about 1:30 pm) and there were a TON of people voting in a conservative precinct. Gave me the creeps. If it’s like this elsewhere in conservative areas, the Repubs are gonna take everything but the Dems’ underpants. Maybe those too.

I just got back from voting. There were a handful of people there who had finished voting, but were busy getting their walkers, oxygen trolleys, etc going. I am 52 years old any of the other voters could pass for my grandparent.

I voted (in person) this AM. It was not too busy. A short line of 4 people in front of me.

The workers said that there were lots of people dropping off their mail-in ballots. More than the number of people voting in person.

I can’t compare to the turn out 2 years ago, because I have moved.

My husband mailed his ballot yesterday.

Both of my adult children are sitting this election out. Both of my kids voted (for the first time) 2 years ago. The thrill is gone, I guess?

Yet more /shudders for Evil Captor (and myself), no doubt… :frowning:

Yes, I voted. At 12:30 pm.

I was 2nd in line.

It’s most likely not going to count. Every place I know of, the ballot must be received by 8 PM on election day. In Colorado, they were saying that Thursday was the last day you could mail in your ballot and be assured that it would get there in time.

Maybe you have a real efficient mail service.

Not true in Washington, for example, where pretty much the whole vote is done by mail. They just have to be postmarked by today. One reason why if it’s super-close we won’t know who holds the Senate for a few days.

Cite: http://wei.secstate.wa.gov/osos/en/voterinformation/Pages/VotebyMailFAQ.aspx

11:15 a.m., traditionally a quiet time at my polling place. I was #543 for the day. The lines were about 8-deep just to sign in, with another waiting line for the four electronic and four optical scan machines in our precinct. It took me about 30 minutes from walk-in to walk-out.

I’ve voted in the same place for 25 years. Extremely heavy for a non-presidential election.

Went on my lunch hour. The polling place was dead. They said my appearance constituted their “lunchtime rush.”

Did my duty and voted out (hopefully) an incompetent school board member, contributed to the drubbing Whitman is going to get, and made my opinion known on the propositions.

I voted early Friday afternoon, and the place was bursting at the seams. Looooong wait.

I voted and it wasn’t busy when I was there, but I was talking to the people outside who handed out sample ballots, and they told me that the counts as of 1 pm were about 778 people having voted. In that there are about 2000 registered voters at my polling place, that seems high for 1 pm, especially because I’m in what tends to be a pretty safe Democratic district (VA-8), there were no other races in the district and only a few propositions (amending the constitution to exempt disabled veterans from property taxes, increasing the state’s rainy day fund, and a bond issue), and the race hasn’t gotten much press or attention.

I have no idea what it means. Normally, high turnout is good for Democrats, but given the mood this year, the high turnout could be due to throw the bums out voters.