Did you vote? Was it busy?

We voted at 4.45pm. There were about a dozen people in line when we got there, and about the same as we were leaving. I used to be a poll worker for our precinct, and I spoke very briefly with the guy handing out the ballots. He said it had been pretty steady most of the day.

i was number 179 in phila pa at 1pm. 2 boothes and 2 people ahead of me, one came in after me.

i’m figuring turn out will be good 'cause gov’ner is up for grabs in pa.

Hell, agree that neither of you will vote and go out on election day and have a beer together. :slight_smile:

I voted about 11:00 and it was dead. The polling place covered two precincts and there were two other voters in there during the time I was. (In 2008, I went at the same time, and the line was out the door and snaking down the sidewalk).

My neighborhood his heavily minority, and heavily Catholic (SF Peninsula). It may be that people cared more about Obama and SSM than they do about Brown/Whitman or Pot.

Or everyone could just still be hungover from last night.

Christ, Arkansas Democratic Senator Blanche Lincoln has lost.
I hate her voting record, but voted for her anyway lest a Republican get into the Senate.

I am in Chicago and I voted around 9am and it was dead. The poll workers said, I was the first person they’d seen in an hour. But Illinois has month long early voting and my area is mostly immigrants, but I’ve never seen it dead as this

Of course it was dead! You don’t see the dead vote in Chicago but they do. :slight_smile:
(I’m somebody will make a better “the dead voting in Chicago elections” than I did but I couldn’t pass it up)

All of Tennessee has gone Red.