Difference between two slang terms for the male anatomy

The T word

Ah, right. Thanks!

'Taint the only “T” word, though.

In my dialect, I know not of any such distinction.

If I had to say, “cock” sounds slightly dirtier and more sexual to me. In terms of calling someone a dick vs a cock, “cock” has a more forceful sound to it, I think, because of the two “k” sounds, but they’re synonymous, so far as I could tell. My choice of which word to use usually boils down to euphany with the surrounding words.

You may be correct, but I’m remembering the ethical discussion about oral sex from the beginning of Pulp Fiction, something about having had one’s tongue in her Holy of Holies.

Nothing is universal. Some women don’t have a problem with referring to their vagina as a pussy or cunt IF it’s a sexual conversation. My wife used those terms before I ever did towards her, and it was/is hot! But she wouldn’t say “I have to go to the doctor and have my pussy examined”.

Context counts also. No woman would allow a man on a 98 degree day to say “are you hot, cunt?”. But some would welcome, in the throes of passion “you are my every fantasy. Your hot cunt is making me crazy!”


It’s ok to have a cunt but not ok to be called one. Context.

“Honey pot”? Who you lovin’, Winnie the Pooh? :D:p

I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone refer to another person as a “cock”. “Dick”, for sure. Many, many times.

He’s a real dick.
That dickwad over there.

He’s a real cock. [Does not sound right.]
He just cock blocked me. [Sounds right.]
He’s acting all cocky about it. [Sounds right]

I have. Not very often, mind you. But I’ve heard someone say to a guy “stop being a fucking cock!” or “that guy is just being a cock” a couple of times.

Pretty common among my cohort. “What a fucking cock!” for example. Or “you stupid cock!”

Heh. Anyone in the mood for some cock flavored soup? :smiley:

How about the one with pumpkin, the incest fruit.

DavidwithanR Johnson is right!

“Wang” is pretty funny in my opinion.

Wang! Pay attention!

At least Honey Pot is preferable to Jizzbucket.

Pussy can be used as positive/sexual or negative. Also I have heard ‘ovaries’ use in places you would expect to hear the term ‘balls’, as in being bold. As noted above womb is positive.

As for the Op’s cock/dick, cock seems more in a sexual, or aroused state.

But it’s “F you, cocksucker!”
I’ve never heard, “F you, dicksucker.”

Thanks for the responses! You all kind of echo my own personal experience with these terms.

I was thinking, is there something to the idea of vowels? The short “i” in “dick” making the word less impactful than the longer, darker “ah” sound of “cock”, which may make the word more masculine and powerful sounding?

In the same way, “tits” sound small, and “boobs” sound big, because of the short “i” vs. the long “oo”. Are they used interchangeably? Does “tit” refer to the areolae, the nipple, or the entire breast?

Maybe I’m overthinking it, but I’d like to imagine that the actual sound of the word makes a difference. Is there a term for this idea?


Calling someone a cock or a cockhead is common enough around here.

How about Peachfish?