Digital camera problem

I have a Canon Sureshot A60, just out of warranty. It no longer works, giving a e18 error message. Canon says this is a lens barrel/lens cover problem and gives several things to try, none of which works. Does anyone have any suggestions of tricks I might try to get it to work? Is there a reset button somewhere? Is there a way to go to a diagnostic mode and open the lens cover? I would rather have a working camera with unprotected lens than a non working camera with a closed lens cover.

Make that a Canon power shot A 60.

Use Google and try “Canon e18 error message” this usually works with most PC errors.


Right, I did that and got an amazing number of complaints about it. Seems to be a real problem with the Canon digitals. What I can’t find is any recommendations as to how I, myself might get it to work.

I’d recommend asking this same question in the Canon section of the forums at - we may be smarter here, but there are a lot more camera users there. :wink:

(apologies if you already have)

My A70 just returned from 3 weeks of warranty-covered repairs. Different problem, but only Canon was able to repair it. These tend to be “black box” type of repairs without any mechanical solutions.
My credit card company doubles the warranty if it was used to purchase the item–do you fall under something like that? Also, how far past warranty is your A60?–they haven’t been out all that long and if you write a decent letter Canon may very well cover it–but you better not screw around with homemade repairs.

Anyway, my enthusiasm for Canon digital cameras is somewhat diminished.