Dinos Got the Holy Ghost?

I present for your edification and amusement the following post, delivered in all seriousness on another board, relative to the dinosaurs and Noah’s Flood:

The interesting thing is that people are actually trying to explain the scientific truths relative to this whole thing, and being scoffed at for their efforts.


According to Niven: The dinosaurs didn’t have a space program.

The “good” dinosaurs? :confused:

Who were the “bad” dinosaurs?

The bad dinosaurs were the ones who rebelled in heaven with satan and …

oops. Wrong bad critters.

I think the bad dinosaurs ended up in New Jersey.

[Moderator Hat ON]

There doesn’t seem to be much debate here besides “Creationists say silly things” so I’m moving this to the Pit.

[Moderator Hat OFF]

I’ll pass that theory along to the dino expert in our house. However I suspect this answer will be along the lines of “Mommy, (eyes rolled) dinos evolved into BIRDS! You know that!”

Umm so you have told me over and over again…:smiley:

Well, she’s right.

Birds are reptiles from way back. Why else would they like suet?

He’s right…


Am I the only one who thought that Poly had dropped an apostrophe, and that this was going to be a theological discussion of Dean Martin?

Nothing’s wackier than seeing people try to reconcile a literal belief in a mythological story with science.

For that matter if (1) the flood happened as described in the bible (2) except that there was a tree on a mountaintop uncovered (3) which the T-rex could survive, being herbivorous, (4) and because contrary to most christian belief, and the most reasonable extrapolation from the bible, dinosaurs had souls, so could be good, (5) but God lied to Noah about him having got one of every species THEN why did it die out? Was there too small a population to sustain itself? That’s never normally a problem in the bible.

Oh, you know, the usual suspects: gays, atheists, evolutionists, the ACLU, liberals, feminists, people who make the baby Jesus cry…

But especially the ACLU. Imagine a Brontosaurus in a business suit questioning a witness…or being sworn in. “Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you–” ::CHOMP::

minor nitpick

1 T-rex is carnivorous

  1. said T-rex is HUGE… one tree couldn’t sustain him for long even if he were a plant eater

  2. the sauropod dinos ate CONSTANTLY… only way to get enough fuel to power those critters…

Brontosaurus was an herbivore… he probably nibble the witnesses hat!

OH I really know WAY too much about dinosaurs!

nitpick overrelief smiley here

Actually, in a couple of religious traditions, animals were herbivores (following Gn 1:20) until after the flood.

Do not ask me for a defense of this position. I only point it out so that you are not lulled into a feeling that you have a crushing argument. Nothing can crush the arguments of those who need Noah to be history.)

You should know that the brontosaurus never existed then. There were sauropods, to be sure, but the species called “brontosaurus” turned out to be a mistaken identification of a new species based on the combination of an aptosaurus skeleton with the skull of a camarasaurus. The bronto ironically became one of the two most familiar dinos in popular imagination (along with T-Rex) but there was never any such thing.

I guess, then, it calms you to know the Brontosaurus, not wanting to be brought up on charges of assault and battery, merely bit the Bible. She wanted a little snack;)

[sub]Don’t know why, but the phrase “biting the Bible” has sudden sexual connotations…[/sub]

Actually, in a couple of religious traditions, animals were herbivores (following Gn 1:20) until after the flood.

Do you mean Genesis 1:30? “And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground-everything that has the breath of life in it-I give every green plant for food.” And it was so."

If all animals were originally herbivores, I imagine they became carniverous after the fall, not the flood. If everything in nature became screwed up after Adam and Eve sinned, I can’t imagine why the animals wouldn’t start eating each other immediately instead of wait a millenium or two.

I wonder which religious traditions believe otherwise.

What would the fall have to do with animals being carnivores? Why would that be “screwed up/”

Leaving aside the absurdity that there was ever a time when all animals were herbivores if they became carniverous after the fall, then you still have massive problems for the Noah story and the T-Rex/ giant tree hypothesis becomes even more ludicrous and impossible.

I think we should vote some people go support the few rational people on that board.