Director vs Flash?

Does Director even have a chance anymore?? What’s it used for these days? It seems every website and CD ROM is Flash, and Director’s become the abandoned child of Macromedia.
Director doesn’t seem to have been updated noticably in 8 or so years (in computer years that’s about 80).
Has Macromedia given up on it?
Is there anything Director sill does better?
If Director gets abandoned like the obsolete older child it is, will the price of Flash likely jack up to the current price of Director?

Nerding fact of the day: Macromedia(formerly Macromind) founder Mark Canter originally wanted Director to have a vector layer, but instead Flash was created.

I’m a flash designer and programmer (but I started out workin in director). so, naturally I would say flash rocks. it’s very proficient for web based applications and websites, etc. however, there have been some times when we’ve gone back to do a few things in Director.

For heavy application / interactivity stuff on a single cd-rom, kiosk, and anything that is local based on a single computer, Director maybe a worthy choice. Director can handle more types of media, and to some degrees, with more stability. also, if the project is going to be extremly large, Director may be a better choice because it can handle larger files with fewer problems.

… and director has been updated, it just never gets all the attention.

we’ve just finished a project where most of it is in flash, but we still needed a director app to talk between the local computer and some server to compare files and do a seamless downloading action.

I guess it just comes down to publishing avenues and usability.

over and out,