Directoral Deathmatch: Russ Myer v. Roger Corman

Russ Myer, recently martyred sleeze monger, Bringer of Boobies, Patron of Ebert, Hollywood legend.

Roger Corman, 370 movies produced, some of them good; patron of Cameron, Nicholson, Hopper, and Fonda; indie giant.

Whose cinematic cuisine reigns supreme?

As much as I like sex and nudity in a film, I don’t think it’s even close – Meyers has never produced anything even close to Corman’s better films. In any event, it’s a real apples and oranges thing – Meyers’ films where all very narrowly tailored toward his breast fetish, whereas Corman made all kinds of films. Their cinematic output doesn’t match in any meaningful way.

I’m with Evil Captor on this one: no comparison. Corman’s Edgar Poe/Vincent Price films alone would rank him heads and shoulders above Russ Meyes.

Corman was also instrumental in the early careers of filmmakers including Coppola, Scorcese, Demme, De Palma, Joe Dante and John Sayles.

Not even a contest, IMO, his eye for talent had a major impact on the film world.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.

It’s high time the Academy gives the Thalberg award to Corman. If Cubby Broccoli (James Bond films) and Saul Zaentz (only 5 movies) are worthy, then the man who helped launch the careers of Coppola (multiple Oscar-winner), Scorcese (multiple nominee), Demme (Oscar-winner), John Sayles (multiple nominee), director Ron Howard (Oscar-winner), Cameron (Oscar-winner), Nicholson (multiple Oscar-winner), Bogdanovich (multiple nominee), Hopper (multiple nominee), Peter Fonda (multiple nominee), De Palma, Hellman and Dante certainly deserves it.

Which Corman film has the most boobs?

Which of Corman’s apples looks most like a Meyer orange?

This cracks me up.

The foregoing respondents are correct, in my view: the best of Corman’s output (as either director or, more importantly, producer) leaves the best of Meyer in the dust. ArchiveGuy is absolutely right; it’s long past time Corman gets official credit for nurturing more meaningful careers from scratch than any of the studios, and indeed many of the studios put together. And if I recall correctly, wasn’t Corman behind bringing a number of high-profile foreign flicks to America, like Fellini’s La Strada?

Now, that being said, I would rather watch the average Russ Meyer movie over the average Roger Corman movie, any day. :stuck_out_tongue:

Eight films

Cervaise, La Strada was originally distributed by something called Trans-Lux Inc. in the US. You’re thinking of his distribution of foriegn films in the 1970’s through New World Pictures.

(Oh, BTW, I agree that Corman deserve a Thalberg, especially considering what has won seven of the last twelve…)

One the one hand, Meyer had lots o’ boobies in his films.

On the other hand, Corman ain’t dead.

I have to give this one to Corman.