This was proposed by a Facebook friend, so I thought I might try it here.
Change a famous movie quote so that it keeps the same meaning, but loses all emotional impact.
For instance:
“You can’t fool me. There isn’t any clause referring to the sanity of the participants in the contract.”
“I never drink . . . Cabernet.”
“Frankly my dear, I don’t care much.”
“May your midichlorian count be high.”
“Do you feel lucky, young man? Well, do you have an opinion?”
“I’m tired of the reptiles on this aircraft!”
“I desire nothing more than the solitude of my own company.”
“Certainly you can’t be serious.”
“According to your desire.”
“Hand me the sporting equipment, Wendy.”
There’s no place like Home Depot.
The first rule of Fight Club is, you don’t talk about Fight Club.
The second rule is identical to the first.
I shall make him an irresistible proposition.
“I’m a guy who dresses in a bat-costume in order to disguise my identity so I can fight crime.”
Of all the four-star restaurants in this entire planet, she walks into mine. Perform it, Sam.
“Please proceed to enhance my enjoyment of this 24 hour period.”
“We are the knights who say hello.”
My last name is Bond. My first name is James. My last name, as I said, is Bond.
“Houston. We appear to be experiencing some difficulties.”
The Shining–Gimme the bat, Wendy!
I’ve never seen the movie. <Hangs head in shame.>