Discovery Times "Off To War"

My husband and I watched a marathon of this show, Off To War. Now, let me preface this by saying that I’m sick and that makes me a little weepy, but damn-- did I cry and cry watching this.

This is real reality TV. It follows a group of Arkansas Guardsmen from training camp and into Iraq. Those who say that our government is suppressing bad news out of the gulf should watch this.

Firstly-- kudos and kisses to our brave boys. They don’t want to be there but they’ve got a job to do and they are doing it.

Secondly-- things that made me cry:

The dad who re-upped because his son was going-- and then his son didn’t make the grade because he was, well, a little crazy. And then dad gets deployed and blowed up real good. Damn, that made me cry.
The tough, tatooed jarhead who broke down and cried when he saw his baby for the first time.

The soldier who dreaded calling home because his mom would cry and it would make him cry and everybody else would tease him about it.
Thirdly, the one thing that pissed me off more than anything:
Not the inadequetly armoured vehicles that had to be jerry-rigged. Not the poorly trained and completely useless Iraqi National Guard. Oh, they did piss me off, but not anywhere near as badly as that damned malangering Reverend who threatened his poor, lonely wife with divorce because she went out the her girlfriends and got drunk.

He wouldn’t drink any water when he was out in the field and then he’d pass out. When it seemed he lost the church he was in line to get he faked back trouble. And those kids where playing to the camera (except the little boy, I think).
Real life and real drama. Anybody else see it?