I’d seen the threads, but until two Christmases ago when Shayna and Spiny Norman gave me Reaper Man and Witches Abroad the only Terry Pratchett I’d read was Good Omens back in the '90s.
Now I’ve read them all (except the YA books) through Thud, which I read Friday. I’m waiting for Making Money to come out in mass-market paperback (next September).
The Tiffany Aching books aren’t bad, either. Now you’ve got to start collecting them in hardback, or hardback First Editions, or hardback, First Edition, British, Signed…
Don’t forget the Science of Discworld books! And the Art of Discworld book! And the Mapps of Ankh-Morpork, Lancre, and Death’s Domain!
And don’t forget the Johnny Maxwell trilogy, the Bromeliad Trilogy, The Carpet People, that proto-discworld book; Strata, and that other one, something Side of the Sun.
And play the video games, watch the animated episodes, and the recent live action mini-series (another is on its way), play the CD, and collect the figurines, the stamps, the calendars, the diaries, and the large format illustrated edition of Eric.
Just thought of this: How are the years reckoned on Discworld? They talk about The Year Of The Fruitbat, but then they have a reference to something that happened in 1806. It seems I read an explanation in one of the books, but I don’t remember.
The Disc calendar is based on the founding of Unseen University in 1UC, which was also the year 1282AM, reckoned from the founding of the city of Ankh-Morpork. The events of The Colour of Magic occur in 1964UC.