Our family just found out that Dish Network has recently dropped VOOM HD. (The Monster Channel, The Game Play Channel, the Kung FU Channel, among others.)
We think it sucks.
Our family just found out that Dish Network has recently dropped VOOM HD. (The Monster Channel, The Game Play Channel, the Kung FU Channel, among others.)
We think it sucks.
I had to leave Dish Network when I moved to Canada, but I’d have been pissed off. However, I also remember the endless repeats of programs on their channels, adding new content was not a strong point.
Yeah it does. Did you ever watch that show “Journeys of the Heart, Peru”? Man that show made me cry. Deaf orphans, good God. It made me wan’t to go down there. It was heart wrenching. But in a good way.
Not to mention the other oddball decisions (not necessarily Dish’s fault)…Spike now advertises it being in HD…is it? Nope. Sci-Fi how advertises being in HD, is Enterprise shown in HD? Nope. (Another Voom channel had it in HD, it looked GREAT)
I was at a friend’s how the other week, watching the Monster Channel and wishing I could get it. This is a tragedy.