I have a “Hamilton Bell Co. Inc.” dissecting kit for Zoology in a baby-blue rectangular case. It looks really old, but it’s the only kind they had in the bookstore. Problem is, I can’t figure out how to get the blade on the scalpel. Anyone have any experience with this?
Which one?
whoa… didn’t know there were different types… I’ve got a surgeon’s handle #3 and a blade #10.
Blades go on the skinny end of the scalpel. In general, there is a shallow groove parallel to the scalpel axis in which the blade must fit. There is also a raised ovalo (or other) shape that has to fit into the same shape on the blade (i.e. a blade that will fit the scalpel has a cut-out that fits over the raised area of the same shape on the blade). It is safer to put the blade on using a pair of tweezers or Kelly’s if you don’t have practice doing it.
Well, I figured that much out on my own. However, the oval hole in the middle of the blade gets narrower at the top, and when I try to put the blade on there, it gets hung up on that part.
Yes, exactly.
AArgh! Well, never mind. I handed it to an idiot friend of mine (His ACT is 5 points lower), and he figured it right out. Turns out that I wasn’t pushing down hard enough… didn’t want to break the blade.