Thanks all.
Of course I intend to speak with a lawyer - and wouldn’t dream of drafting the papers myself. I’m a big fan in allowing specialists handle their area of expertise. Have a call in right now, as a matter of fact. But to whatever extent possible I’m hoping to keep as many assets as possible between the two of us, rather than donate it to one of my brethren.
And I’d hope we can avoid having the process become too terribly protracted and ugly. I’m willing to pay considerably to avoid that.
And of course I was not seeking legal advice here. Merely peoples’ experiences and opinions. To date, the sum total of people I have spoken honestly and openly with about their divorces is - let’s see - zero. So I appreciate any assistance those of you may provide as I gather information, and identify likely issues and my options.
As I’ve said, I have no objection to splitting all assets 50/50. Hell, don’t really mind if she keeps her jewelry/violins, etc, which are worth far more than any items I possess/care about.
Nor do I object to splitting pay checks with her - at least for a period of time and so long as she is working full-time. What I do wish to avoid is giving her 1/2 of my income in perpetuity, and if she is not working full-time. When living together, she more than earned half of the income with her efforts regarding our children and our shared household/lifestyle. But should we cease to share a household and lifestyle, well, my willingness to simply pay 1/2 of my income for the rest of my working life and perhaps into retirement, doesn’t seem like such a deal!
As to the likelihood of this happening - yesterday morning her last words to me as I left for work were “You have to give me a divorce. I want you to file and I want half.” To which I responded "Okay."
This a.m. I asked if she still felt the way she said the previous day.
-She said “Yes.”
I asked, "What did you have in mind in terms of timing and money?"
-She said she thought it would make most sense to have the divorce become final around the time we sold our house, which we plan to market next spring.
I said “no-fault” required that we live apart for some period of time.
-She said she would prefer to discuss it after our 2d kid goes to college Thursday.
So yeah, it is not for certain, but I’m not seeing either of us being terribly interested in continuing together.