Do Black men use electric razors?

A coworker of mine asked me which brand she should buy for her father. I told her the only kind I would recommend is Norelco. Then about 5 minutes later I asked her whether it would work. She asked why. I told her I never heard of a black man using an electric razor.

She said she assumed it would work. Well once I tried that shaving powder that black men use and it didn’t do anything for me.

Anyway does anyone know?

Yes, they can. A good percentage of black men get razor bumps, but they are no different than shaving over any pimple-sized blemish on your face.

Yer pal,

One week, 18 hours, 40 minutes and 3 seconds.
311 cigarettes not smoked, saving $38.89.
Life saved: 1 day, 1 hour, 55 minutes.

You’re asking a question that many white people are unaware of. Yes, many black men have a problem with the results of shaving.
The new Schick (new, it was introduced 4 years ago) actually addresses the problem.
WSJ (Wall Street Journel) did a story on it when it came out 6 months before Gillette brought out it’s new Mach razer.