Do British Docs still put "Death by Misadventure" as a cause of death in some cases?

Just curious. I think they (British Coroners) did this with Mama Cass when she choked on that chicken sandwich, and Brian Jones of the Rolling Stones when he drowned in his pool? Do they still do this?

In England a coroner is not a doctor but a legal official who presides at a coroners court. To answer your question , yes they still do. More information about coroners courts here

Misadventure is still a verdict that a Coroner can return, yes. A doctor (specifically, a pathologist), however, can only state the cause of death (drowning, gunshot wounds, etc) - the coroner is a legal, not a medical, official. Following a sudden death, the deceased’s doctor will report this to the coroner, who may then order a post-mortem (to determine the cause of death) and/or an inquest (to determine whether the death was due to misadventure, suicide, unlawful killing, natural causes, etc). It’s possible for a coroner to decide that death was by natural causes without holding an inquest.

Solely in the interest of fighting ignorance, I’ll point out that Cass Elliot did not die from choking on a sandwich.

Oops. Thank you! That’s what you get for trusting men with crooked teeth and abundant chest hair…

In the United States, a coroner is also a government official. In Ohio, they are elected officials, but I believe that in some places they might be appointed officials. In most cases, I believe, that one may not be elected or appointed a coroner without a medical degree and a license to practise medicine in the relevant jurisdiction.

I see from the link you posted that to be appointed a coroner in the United Kingdom, one must be a qualified barrister, solicitor, or medical practitioner.