Do Christians who believe in a non-literal Bible; do they believe in Jesus' resurrection?

Not in my experience. I have never known a Committee for Clearness to probe a prospective member’s beliefs re: Jesus, and that’s among several yearly meetings. Given how non-creedal Quakers are, it’s not like we can just check the instruction manual, but the closest I see in PYM’s Faith and Practice are:


There’s an acknowledgement of the historical relevance of Christian tradition. As for the resurrection, Jesus’ divinity or lack thereof, blood sacrifice cleansing us of sins we never committed, Mary’s status, etc., it’s my experience that most folks in these meetings don’t give a fuck. I don’t. My religion, to me, as about my relationship with God. The rest is window dressing for schlubs who need that flavor of woo (I need a different flavor). If they need it, fine, but it really doesn’t concern me. I don’t reject it. It just doesn’t matter.
The Nicene Creed has never been mentioned in any meeting I’ve participated in.

Here’s a Ph.D thesis from a few years back exploring British Quaker beliefs: PDF. It’s not the most amazing work, but it’s a quick read. >70% of respondents consider themselves Christian, and >70% would describe Quakerism as a Christian faith. Note that 66% answered “No” to “Do you believe Jesus died for Atonement (in other words to save your soul)?” The study did not address the resurrection, but I’m guessing most would find it irrelevant.