What is the minimum requirement to call oneself a "Christian"?

Philadelphia yearly meeting’s procedures are here: Membership

You talk with a committee and they make a recommendation to the meeting. So no, no oath, but they do care about what you think and will tell you to piss off if they don’t feel you fit in. Although you’re generally still welcome to attend. And the barriers between members and just attenders get a little thin. I was on the committee for ministry and oversight for a meeting where I was not a member, which I found a little odd. I think they were hard up for members.

Browsing the entire PYM faith and practice (which is sort of manual for the yearly meeting), there is very little use of the words jesus or christ. And plenty of quakers wouldn’t call themselves christians. But most do. I posted in another thread (http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?p=16344323):