Was just listening to an old “This American Life” (Episode 38, 10/11/96, “Simulated Worlds”) and Ira Glass opines that it would be hard to imagine other countries doing anything like our Civil War battle reenactments.
Actually it’s not hard for me to imagine at all. So I ask the far flung Doper community…does any other nationality devote weekends to dressing up like their ancestors and then pretending to kill each other while bickering about whether an ice chest is OK to bring along if sufficiently disguised as a wooden chest/oaken barrel/wicker basket?
There was a re-enactment in Sydney in March last year for the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Vinegar Hill. I’m sure I’ve also seen stories of various groups (mediaevalists etc) who stage re-enactments of battles such as Agincourt and Bosworth field. I’m pretty sure I’ve even heard of groups that do American civil war battles.
…and in the UK there are more Romans in Legio Secunda Augusta - of which I happen to be a member.
Re-enactment has gone from strength to strength in the UK, a fact not lost on TV producers who make use of such societies for many historical documentaries. “A History of Britian” must have used dozens of such societies.
What I find remarkable is that in the UK there are re-enactors for periods and cultures that have no direct connection with this country: there are groups for periods such as the American Civil war, Greek Hoplites etc.
Was in the Mexican city of Zacatacas one year on their National Day, throughout which a “battle” raged on a hill outside town.
I did discover which battle was being re-enacted but can’t remember now.