Do guys have trouble with the stork position? (yoga that is - get your minds out of the gutter!)

The other night, the Piper family went to PiperCub’s gym class. Lots of little toddlers, running around, jumping up and down, etc. Good fun.

As part of the warm-up, the coach tried to get the kidlets to do the stork position: standing up, both arms extended straight up above the head, palms touching, and standing on one leg, with the foot of the other leg on the side of your knee. Some of the munchkins could do it, others couldn’t.

PiperCub seemed to have trouble with the idea, so I said, “Like this” and did it. He watched for a minute, then I switched feet and did it the other way. He went “meh” and went running. So much for teaching by example. :stuck_out_tongue:

The coach asked me if I did yoga. I said no and asked why. She said that most men in her experience can’t do the stork position and hold it for any length of time, unless they’ve done some flex training, like yoga.

Seemed odd to me - it’s an easy position to do, and I didn’t need to think about it at all.

So, do other guys have trouble with this position?

At one time I could get into the stork position, and keep it for a short while. I’ve always had bad balance though so I could never stay in that position for longer than 30 seconds tops. I could never get into that position now. I think more men are built for strength than balance. I could never stretch into some positions women could and that definitely had to do with my body structure.

My husband can hit the position, but he can’t keep it.

We do yoga together, and he’s much better at the positions about muscle control and strength… but he’s not a very good balancer. I win at that.

I can do the stork position (referred to as the Tree position on the Wii Fit Plus) now that I’ve gone through it a couple of times. My SO refuses. He tried once and said he hated it and saw no reason to do it again. He tends to stick to more active stuff and less stretching stuff though so he doesn’t seem to appreciate yoga like I do.

  1. Find a spot in front of you and concentrate on it.
  2. Balance on one leg all day.
  3. Impress chicks in yoga class. (Profit.)

I’m a guy and I’ve never had any problem doing that pose.

The guy in the video isn’t touching his foot to anything. he’s just kind of lifting it in the air, knee in front of him.
Do you mean that? Or knee out to the side, foot touching standing knee? Or knee out to the front, foot touching standing knee?